04 Feb Explanation of the Gelders breeding direction
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Home » News » Explanation of the Gelders breeding direction
February 4, 2021
Explanation of the Gelders breeding direction
Gelders horse Inspector Wim Versteeg and Gelders breeding council member & former Gelders Breeder of the Year, Jan Vonk, were in the KWPN studio today during the live broadcasting for the Stallion Inspection 2021 to talk about the Gelders Horse. In this breeding direction, a lot of work is being done on the plan ‘Gelders Paard 2030’.
“Dressage or show jumping horse breeding is really about breeding a horse for the highest level,” says Wim Versteeg. “With the Gelders horses the emphasis is on completely different things. In this direction we are looking for a versatile, allround horse with the character to ride, jump or drive dressage. To hack out in the forest, to be a horse that is suitable for the whole family. That requires a different approach.
Gelders breeding is also a type breeding. Traditionally, the Gelders horse is a somewhat heavier horse with a somewhat classic print. A horse with a lot of front and a very good character. Because the use is so versatile, you will see some differences in terms of movement. A driving horse moves differently than a dressage or a jumping horse. So there is some flexibility in that. “
Jan Vonk confirms that: “When you see a Gelders Horse enter an arena, something really ‘has to come in’. Lots of front, a nice eye and strong, broad loins that can generate a powerful upward movement. Very important is their interior, their character. Not a softie, but a horse that thinks with you and is friendly to everyone.
We also really have to think about blood distribution with the Gelderlander horses. As a breeder you should therefore not be afraid to occasionally take a trip to a different breeding direction or a different studbook. ”
PLAN 2030
The KWPN is fully engaged in the Gelders Paard 2030 Plan. Wim Versteeg explains: “We already discussed together what we think the ideal type of Gelders Horse is. Now, it is important to write up this ideal image in the right words. Part of the exterior and the movement has been discussed with the supporters already also. The corona- crisis has delayed the process a bit, but we will talk about this again at the next physical Member meeting. When we have the complete plan in writing, it will again be presented to the members before it is presented to the AB and the Members’ Council for formalization. It is of course very important that this plan is supported by all Gelders horse enthusiasts and breeders.”
Find the original article HERE
Picture generously provided to us by Theo Janssen.

Nicolaas EM (Imposant x Alexandro P) at the Stallion inspection 2021