20 Apr Schroeder
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Affiliate Stallion
2025 Stallion Service Auction
Registered Name | Schroeder |
Registration # | DE431310117404 |
Birthdate | May 6, 2004 |
Color and Markings | Bay |
Height | 17hh |
Breeding Direction |
DP (Dressage) |
Breeding Fee | $1500 CAD fresh, $1200 USD frozen LFG, $800 USD frozen no LFG |
Specific Terms, Fees, and Conditions | Fresh and no LFG frozen ships from Canada. Frozen with LFG and Frozen by the dose ships from Oregon. Collection, tank prep and shipping not included. Discounts for quality mares |
Semen Available | Shipped, Fresh, Frozen |
WFFS | N/N (non-carrier) |
Profile Updated: 2025
Majestic Gaits
Kathy Hickerson
Dreamscape Farm
Langley, BC , Canada
604 881 6038
same as Standing At
KWPN Breeding Designation
Affiliate Stallion. Approved Hanoverian, GOV, ISR/Old NA, CWHBA, BWP, RPSI, Westfalen, Rhineland.
Schroeder possesses the PROK predicate and has passed endoscopy and sport requirements. Foals by Schroeder out of qualifying mares will receive Foalbook papers
Sports Results
- 2021 NEDA Breed Show II & NE Series Championship Champion Get of Sire
- 2019: Centerline East Coast Riders Cup Grand Prix 3rd Place
- 2018: NEDA FEI I2 Champion of the Year, USDF Hanoveriean FEI I2 Reserved Champion HOY, USEF Dressage Breeding Sire #9 Natioanally
- 2017: 1st Place Grand Prix Centerline Events 65.65%, 1st Place Intermediate II Centerline Events 67.237%
- 2016: Centerline Hits 2nd Place Intermediare II 64.9%, FEI Intermediare II First qualifying score for Regional Championships
- 2015: Bluegrass FEI Intermediare I 2nd place 69%, Dressage at Devon CDI 5th Place Intermediare I, Region 8 FEI Intermediare I Open 4th place, First Place FEI CDI NEDA Fall PSG 68%, FEI Intermediare A GMA 1st Place, FEI Intermediare I GMHA 1st place, USEF Dressage Breeding Sire #4 Nationally
- 2014: 2nd place FEI Intermediare I Mystic, 1st place FEI PSG Mystic
- 2013: 2nd place FEI PSG 67.1% Kentucky Bluegrass, 3rd place National Championships 4th Open 67.25%, First FEI PSG 66% 3rd place NEDA Fall Festival, Regional 4th Level Champion!!! NEDA Fall Festival, Centerline @ Saugerties 76.236% 1st Place, Westbrook Dressage 66.5 % 1st Place
- 2012: Mystic Dressage Show Level 4-1, 4th place, USEF Dressage Breeding Sire #6 Nationally
- 2011: King Oak 1st Place Dressage Level 3-2, Westbrook Dressage Level 3, 2nd place, Mystic Dressage Level 3, 2nd place
- 2010: Qualified for FEI 6 year old National Championships, Finished 11th in the Nation!
- 2008: #1 USDF Hanoverian stallion in hand
No Results.
No Results.
Offspring Sports Results
- 2021 Edge: Dressage at Waterlook FEI PSG 2nd place, 4th-1 1st place, 4th-2 1st place, Dressage @ Albion 3rd-3 1st place, 4th -1 first place 69.1% – Endretti GF: Global 9, FEI PSG 66.4%, Global 5 FEI PSG 62.6%, FEI Int-1 60.2%, Global 3 FEI PSG 64.7%, FEI Int-1 62.5%, Global 1 1st place 60.5%, Int-1 62.0% – Ivette NEDA Reg 8 Championships, 4th-2 2nd place 64.079%; WNYDA FEI PSG AA 2nd place, 4th-3 3rd place 64.58%, Houghton Spring II FEI PSG 2nd place 67.9%, 1st place 4th-3 67.639% – Picard MG, NEDA Breed Show and USDF NE Series Championship, Yearling Colts 80.7%, USDF NE Series Colt/Geldig Final 2nd place 78.188% – Sachet, Estes Park Dressage II 3rd-2 2nd place, Rocky Mountain Dressage IV 3rd-1 AA 1st place 65.6% – Sebastien, September Country Heir Int Hunter 2’6 1st place, Int Equitation Flat 1st place, Int Adult Hunter 2’6 3rd/11, Flat 2/10 – Shaharazaad RHR: Turkey Trot Dressage 2nd-1 1st place 65.9% – Sinatra Hit: KS City Dressage @ Longview II, FEI PSG 3rd place, Longview I 4th-11st 63.7%FEI PSG 2nd place – Sonnet WPF NEDA Breed Show Hanoverian IBC 1st place 80.475% – Spiderman MG KDA Spring Warmup 1st-3 3rd place – Splash: Made in the Shade II 4 & Older maiden mare 3rd place 77.5%, Made in the Shade I maiden mares, 3rd place 76.25%, Raleigh Summer Dressage I Hanoverian IBC 2nd place 79.175%, Dressage @ Lexington Maiden mare 1st place 79.65%, Champion Mare, Champion Mature Horse, Grand Champion of the Show, 4 & older under saddle 1st place – Super Exclusive : GMHA 4th-3 2nd place 63%, ENYDCTA Dressage Days II 4th-2 1st place 65.26% – Symphony: May Flower ! 1st-2 Open 2nd place 63.71%
- 2020: Endretti GF FEI Int I res champion Global Dressage Festival 9 69.1%; Edge 3rd-1 AA Res Champion Dressage at Waterloo Summer Finale II, 3rd-2 Champion AA champion Dressage at Waterlook Sumer Finale I; Ilex 1st-2 champion, 1st-3 res champ 68.1%, 1st-3 res champion 67.9% ODS Down Centerline 4; Indigo 2nd-1 champion 68.9% 2nd-2 champion 72.6% Dressage at Waterloo Summer Finale II, 2nd-1 champion 70.5%, 2nd-2 champion 71.5% Dressage at Waterloo Summer Finale I; Ivette 3rd level Qualified for Reg 8 Championships. Res champion 4th-3. HITS Open Dressage, res champion 4th-3 Dressage at Waterloo July; Jumanji MG CDS top 5 USDF Region 7 & 4th CDS HOY 2nd Open. USDF KWPN-NA #3 HOY. Champion 2nd Cheers to Summer CDS San Diego Chapter Show; Kamikaze MP 5th Open Beg Novice War Horse Event Series July Horse Trial; Kir Royal MP Champion 1st Open Reg 1 Championship, Champion 1st-3 Dressage at the Park II 73%; Levitics EG Tr-3 Champion Majestic Farm View III, USDF KWPN-NA #3 HOY; Sachet 2nd -3 AA Champ Estes Park Dressage II, res champion AA 2nd-3 Estes Park Dressage I 65.7%; Sebastian Champ Children’s Hunter, res Champ Childrens Hunter Horse Championship Robert Murphy Stable, Res Champion Intermediate Childrens Equitation 2’6″ World Equestrian Winter Classic #7; Shaharazad RHR Reg 4 1st TOC reserve champion Reg 4 championship, champion 1st-3 71.9% Dressage by the River II, Champion 1st level and AA High Point and the highest score of the show with a 71.94% Dressage by the River II; Shilo Tr-3 AA champion Idaho Dressage Festival II; Spiderman MG Reserve champion 1st-2 KDA Summer Classic I; Super Exclusive 4th-2 Champion GMHA Dressage Show.
- 2019: Gitarre/Glorianna(ds: Rampal) at Reg 5 Championship Show,Champion 2nd Level, Ivette (ds: Ferro) at Region 2 Championship Show, Champion 2nd level, Reserve Champion 3rd level, Jumanji MG (ds: Farrington) Dressage at Stockade Champion 2nd and 1st level, Kir Royal MP (ds: Ferro) KWPN-NA Star, IBOP(DR) Top Ten:#2 Dressage Stallions/Geldings, #3 IBOP, #3 DG BAR Cup, NCDCTA Autumn Leaves Training Level Championships Champion, Olivander CF (ds: Rubin Royal) KWPN-NA 1st Premium, Kamikaze MP (ds:Dachstanz) 5th GES Cup 4 yr Top Ten, Oliver’s Best (ds: Olivi) KWPN-NA 1st premium, Sebastien (ds: Eminenz ES 366) World Equestrian Fall II Intermediate Children’s 2’6 Equitation Championships Reserve Champion, Sinatra Hit (ds: Text xx) KCDS Summer Dressage II 3rd Level champion, 2nd level reserve champion, Spiderman MG (ds: Goodtimes) Rider for the Roses I, 4 year old dressage test champion, Super Exclusive GMHA Dressage Days 3rd Level Reserve Champion, TLF Summer Solstice (ds: Crown Heartbreaker) UMASS Breed Show I/II, Champion Material 4-5 yr mares, 3rd place 5 yr USDFBC material championships
- 2018: Endretti GF (ds: Rhodium) PSG, Carbery Fields I, 4th Level Champion, Global Dressage, 4th level reserve champion, Frauloma MG (ds: Farrington) Plymouth Rock Jumper Classic Hunter 2’3, 3rd place, Katana TBF (ds: Contango) 9th Top Top KWPN-NA GES Cup, Nalani MP (ds: Ferro) 1st premium dressage foals, Shaharazad RHR (ds: Weltmeyer) Summer Solstice at Mid-South Dressage 1st level champion, regional championships Training 3rd place, Sinatra Hit (ds: Text xx) Region 4 Championships 1st Level reserve champion, KCDS Summer Dressage II 2nd level champion, Spiderman MG (ds: Goodtimes) KDA Summer Classic I: 3 yr colt champion, colt/gelding champion, young horse champion, reserve champion Hanoverian IBC, KDA Summer Classic II 3rd Materiale Championships, Champion 3 yr Materiale colts, colt/gelding reserve champion, young horse reserve champion, reserve grand champion
- 2017: Eloma MG (ds: Goodtimes) Ten Broeck Farm Breed Show Broodmare Champion, KWPN IBC champions, Evangelo Hit (ds: Secret Prince) Maffit Lake Dressage Fall Harvest 4th Level Champion, Lord Sebastian (ds: Rmani) KDA Breed Show II Yearling Colt Champion, Reserve Champion Colt/Gelding, Reserve Champion USDFBC colt/gelding championships, KWPN IBC Champions, Spiderman MG (ds: Goodtimes) KDA Summer Classic 1, Champion 2 year colt, reserve champion Han IBC, Reserve Young Horse Champion, KDA Summer Classic II Champion colt/gelding championships
- 2016: Edge (ds: Rampal) Dressage at Waterloo 3rd level reserve champion, Eva Lucia (ds: Bag Shot xx) Inavale Farm Horse Trials Reserve Champion Novice, Evangelo Hit (ds: Secret Prince) Reg 4 Championships, 3rd level reserve champion, North Woods dressage 3rd level champion
- 2015: Dorette MG (ds: Silvano) Welcome Back to White Fences II Champion 1st Level, Florette MG (ds: Silvano) NEDA YEA Broodmare Champion, USDF KWPN-NA YEA Reserve Champion Broodmare, UMASS Breed Show Broodmare Champion, Mare Champion, Mature Horse Champion, Ironman MG (ds: Silvano) Carbery Fields Breed Show Champion 2 yr colt, Reserve Champion colt/Gelding, Jackson (ds: Odin) Young Horse Show Champion Jumper, Kir Royal MP (ds: Ferro) KWPN-NA 1st premium, Shaharazad RHF (ds: Weltmeyer) NCDCTA Summer Highland Fling, champion 4 yr dressage test, Shalimar (ds: Wolkenstein II) NEDA Fall Show Champion Mare, Carbery Fields Breed Show Reserve Champion Broodmares, Spiderman MG (ds: Goodtimes) Champion Colts of 2015, Champion Current Year Foals, Szando (ds: Werbellin) Fields and Fences, Champion 2 yr colt, Champion colt/gelding championships, Champion Han IBC, TLF Summer Solstice (ds: Crown Heartbreaker) Broadfields 121 Reserve Champion Yearling Fillies, Broadfields 121 II Reserve Champion Yearling fillies
- 2014: Jackson MG (ds Goodtimes) NEDA Stallion Futurity Champion, NEDA Fall Show NE USDFBC Finals Reserve Champion Colts of 2014, TLF Summer Solstice (ds: Crown Heartbreaker) UMASS Breed Show champion Fillies of 2014
- 2013: Dorette MG (ds: Silvano) GMHA Dressage Days Training Level Champion, Centerline Events Reserve Champion Training Level, Georgio (ds: Rubenstein) KDC Champion 2 year old colt, Sapphyre (ds: Rubenstein) Summer Fest Breed Show 3rd place Materiale, Champion 3 yr Fillies, Champion ISR IBC, Shalimar GGF (ds: Wolkenstein II) Windswept I Champion Mare, Reserve Mature Horse Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Windswept II Champion Mare, Reserve Mature Horse Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, NEDA Fall Show & USDFBC Finals, 3rd place Suitability, Reserve Champion USDFBC Mare Final, Champion Mare, Ten Broeck Farm Materiale Champion
- 2012: Demimora MG (ds: Flemmingh) Champion Mare Under Saddle, Eva Lucia (ds Bag Shot xx) NW Sporthorse Breeders Site Champion 3 yr USEF Future Event Horse, Florette MG (ds: Silvano) Ten Broeck Champion 2 yr Filly, Champion Filly Championships, Futura (ds Bag Shot xx) NW Sporthorse Breeders Reserve Champion 2 yr USEF Future Event Horse. Galileo MG (ds: Goodtimes) Summer Fest Breed Show Reserve Champion Yearling Colt. Georgio (ds: Rubenstein) Summer Fest Breed Show Champion Yearling Colt, Harlan (ds: Gribaldi) 1st premium dressage foal, Hifive MG (ds: Goodtimes) Brookside Breed Show Champions Foals of 2012, USDF YEA Reserve Champion Colts HOY, KWPN-NA 1st Premium, Satinka (ds: Limited Edition) Deep South Dressage Champion Yearling Fillies, Champion Fillies, Champion Westphalian IBC
- 2011: Endretti GF (ds: Rhodium) Sunshine Classic I, Champion 2 yr old colt, Champion Colts/Geldings, Champion KWPN IBC, Sunshine Classic II, Champion 2 year old colt, Reserve Champion Colts/Geldings, USDFBC Finals Reserve Champion colt/gelding, NCDCTA Sporthorse Champion 2 yr Colt, Champion Colt/Gelding Championship, Reserve Champion Young Horse, Champion KWPN IBC, Eva Lucia (ds: Bag Shot xx) Beaujolais Group Reserve Champion 2 year Filly, Frauloma MG (ds: Farrington) NEDA Stallion Futurity Champion, Reserve Champion USDFBC finals fillies, Reserve Champion KWPN IBC, Windswept Yearling Champion, Galileo MG (ds: Goodtimes) Champion Colts of 2011, Champion Current Year Foal, High Score KWPN-NA, KWPN-NA 1st Premium, Georgio (ds: Rubenstein) KWPN-NA 1st Premium
- 2010: Florette MG (ds: Silvano) KWPN-NA 1st Premium dressage foals, Frauloma MG (ds: Flemmingh) KWPN-NA 1st Premium dressage foals
- 2009: Demimora MG (ds: Flemmingh) Ten Broeck Reserve Champion Yearling, Eloma MG (ds: Goodtimes) KWPN-NA 1st premium, Sir Real LJS (ds: Ferro) Reserve Champion Colts of 2009
- 2008: Demimora MG (ds: Flemmingh) KWPN-NA 1st Premium, Dorette MG (ds: Silvano) USDF YEA HOY #4 Filly Foal, Maplewood Warmbloods Reserve Champion Fillies of 2008, Ten Broeck Reserve Champion 2008
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