10 Oct Report From the Road – Hansen Dam Eq. Center (CA), October 5, 2022
October 10, 2022
Report From the Road – Hansen Dam Eq. Center (CA), October 5, 2022
Report From the Road – Hansen Dam Eq. Center (CA)
Location: Lake View Terrace, CA
Hosts: Liz Rothman & Elizabeth Evans
Jury: Floor Dröge & Marianne Dorresteijn
Good Morning from the Los Angeles area! Today we are at the very nice facility of the Hansen Dam Horsepark, for this smaller keuring of Dressage horses. We thank our enthusiastic hosts, Liz Rothman and Elizabeth Evans for your hospitality today.
Congratulations to all of our participants for a successful day!
Please remember, that the jury’s remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse.
First & Second Premium awards are given to horses that exceed and/ or meet the KWPNs high breed standards, and we are grateful to the owners and breeders for showing them to us. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in ‘The Report from the Road ‘, only those horses that really stand out to the jury.

Picture credit: Tamara with the Camera
Dressage for Studbook/Ster 4-7 YO :
May De Loma MG – (Hennessy x Uloma MG elite sport (dr) by Farrington keur )
Owner: Line Anderson
Breeder: Kathleen Hickerson, Majestic Gaits
This mare has a well developed front with a light head neck connection and a well shaped neck. Her foundation is well developed and lean. She has a good length of the body, but she could be a little more developed and stronger in her back. Her walk is active and in rhythm, but could be more through the body and cover more ground. The trot had suppleness and a good use of the hindleg and she makes good transitions. In the canter the hindleg is active, but the front leg could have more shoulder freedom. The canter is light footed and she has a sufficient balance but could have a more uphill tendency.
Yearlings – Dressage:
R Starshine’s Vitalia – (Vitalis x May de Loma MG ster by Hennessy)
Owner/ Breeder: Line Andersen
A well developed filly with good proportions in her body. She has a long neck, a good wither and a long but slightly straight shoulder. She is strong in her loins with a sufficient foundation. The walk is active and in rhythm yet it could be more through the body and cover more ground. The trot is light footed, with good posture, but it could be more bending in the hindleg. The canter covers more than sufficient ground in a good posture, however hindleg could have a bit more bending. First Premium.
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage:
Synergy – (L Primo DG x Abkaers Feel Good by Franziskus)
Owner/ Breeder: Dantia Benson
A noble and elegant foal with a good forehand. Good wither and shoulder. The back could be a bit stronger. The foundation is well developed. The walk has a good rhythm and covers ground. The trot is light footed but could show more strength from the hindleg. The canter is very good with a lot of balance and a good technique. First Premium
List of First Premiums:
Foals/ Weanlings – Dressage: |
Synergy (L Primo DG x Franziskus) |
80/80 |
Yearlings – Dressage: |
R Starshine’s Vitalia (Vitalis x Hennessy) |
75/75 |
STB/Ster 4-7 YO – Dressage: |
May De Loma MG (Hennessy x Farrington) |
70/75 Ster |
Additional Photos: