16 Oct Changes in the KWPN Stallion Selection Process
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Home » News » Changes in the KWPN Stallion Selection Process
October 16, 2023
Changes in the KWPN Stallion Selection Process
PROK/ D-OC requirements
In August, the KWPN already communicated that for the upcoming stallion selection process in 2023/2024, the PROK requirement before the 2nd viewing will be reintroduced, as described in the veterinary regulations. The current D-OC predicate requirement will also be retained, whereby the (re)inspection committee can approve a stallion with a genome breeding value of 95 or lower for osteochondrosis by exception, provided that, in the opinion of the stallion (re)inspection committee, ample compensation is available. The PROK assessment must then be good without exception.
Project group
In addition, a project group will be formed next year including a number of renowned veterinarians and a radiologist who will reassess the current PROK requirement, if necessary. They must also provide advice to the Dressage and Jumping Horse Breeding Councils and the Breeding Affairs department about the introduction of neck and back x-rays in the stallion selection process. This advice can then possibly be implemented for selection year 2024/2025.
Four-year-olds under saddle
The well-being of the participating horses must be guaranteed throughout the entire selection process. In order to provide opportunities for stallions that need more time to develop, a trajectory will be introduced for the upcoming selection process in which four-year-old stallions can be presented under saddle. This is also an additional opportunity to test horses under saddle, so that we can select closer to our breeding goal: (top) sport.
During the regular first viewing, the almost four-year-old stallions are presented under saddle after the presentation. If they are selected, they are also presented under saddle during the second viewing in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. During this second viewing they can be designated for the performance test. On the one hand, testing under saddle has the advantage that this method is closer to the breeding goal: the sport. Additionally, this gives owners the opportunity to present a stallion for the selection process at a later age.
More time for starting performance test
The performance test will remain as it is for the time being. This means with both a spring (35 days for three-year-olds and 21 days for older stallions) and an autumn examination (21 days for all ages). However, from next season onwards, all stallions will receive four invitations for the performance test after designation. This effectively means that after appointment they have two years (instead of one and a half years) to enter the performance test in order to qualify for approval. This change gives more space to horses that need a little more time in their development.
Adjustment of performance report
The performance report will be adjusted per 2024: the report will be shortened in size but textually written more specifically per stallion. The aim is to display certain characteristics of the stallion more specifically so that the breeder can make a better assessment of what the stallion can add to his broodmare.
Pilot of leaving out performance test scores
During the performance test, an assessment is made of the natural talent of the stallions. Although it is difficult to accurately assess at a young age whether a stallion has the talent for the Grand Prix, the ridden test serves as an indicator of future development. This is very valuable, because the short generational interval (when using young stallions) allows you to make faster progress in breeding.
At the same time, we see that stallions with the highest performance scores are generally the most frequently used in breeding. As a pilot, the scores for the various components will therefore be omitted from the performance reports for the next two years (starting 2024). By omitting the numbers and instead only providing a clear description per stallion, the KWPN wants to encourage the breeder to make a suitable choice for the mare themselves and to give all approved stallions an equal chance.
Source: KWPN
Translation: KWPN-NA