14 Sep KWPN-NA AGM Survey
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September 14, 2021
KWPN-NA Survey for the AGM and Educational Content
The Dutch Warmblood Studbook of North America would like to invite you (members, prior members and fellow horse lovers) to participate in a less than 5 minute survey about your interests for activities and presentations.
The survey presents several options, asks which interest you, and provides space for your other ideas. You may answer anonymously or add your name at the end. The results will be used for planning the 2022 KWPN-NA Annual General Meeting (March 3-5, 2022) and educational events (virtual and in-person) for you.
NOW, please click this link to start the survey or copy and paste it into your browser: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KWPN-NA
THEN…forward this email to your horse friends and invite them to participate as well.
With gratitude,
The KWPN-NA AGM Planning Committee
(If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Linda Walz @ Step Ahead Knowledge Acquisition: +1-951-587-9625 or )