20 Aug 2018 Keuring Tour “Report From The Road”
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August 20, 2018
2018 Keuring Tour “Report From The Road”
KWPN-NA Report from the Road 2018
The 2018 Keuring Tour is underway. Please feel free to follow along with periodic “Reports From The Road” from our well respected Jury. Make sure to check out our Facebook Page for updates as they come in.
Click here for the 2018 Keuring Program
Click HERE for the 2018 Keuring Top Tens (includes Harness horses)
Judges from August 26th through August 31st – Bart Henstra and Arie Hamoen
Judges from September 1st through September 10th – Bart Henstra and Harrie Derks
Harness Horse Judges Rocky Ridge Stables – Viggon van Beest and Johannes Holties
Harness Horse Judges Elkhart County Fairgrounds – Viggon van Beest and Gerardus Hermanussen
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 17-18, 2018
Narvon, Pennsylvania
Host: Ivan Fisher
Rocky Ridge Stables www.rockyridgestables.com
Jury: Viggon Van Beest & Johannes Holtjes
The 2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour kicked off on Friday and Saturday with the first KWPN-NA harness horse keuring at Rocky Ridge Stables in Narvon, Pa. It was a very successful keuring because of the perfect conditions at the location, the great hospitality and the attractive quality of the horses.
Thirteen foals (six fillies and seven colts) competed for the Foal Championship, with four of them selected for the finals. The overall quality was very good. Filly Nelline A.K.S. (Graaf Kelly x Makari Jetsetter) owned by Beacon Hollow Stables became champion. She has a very nice refined harness type, with long lean legs and a strong top line and a nice neck and croup. In trot she presented herself very well with a lot of front and also with good balance, suspension, posture and an excellent front leg action. Second place went to filly Novel (Hermanus x Jonker) owned by J. Zook. She is a well-developed yet refined filly with long lean legs, a nice neck and a lot of expression. In trot she shows well with a lot of flexion in the joints and with good suspension and balance. The colt Navigator (Governor x Aron) owned by Rocky Ridge Stables was third with good development, a nice harness type and strong connections. In trot he shows a lot expression with a very nice front and front leg action. Another colt Nockout PS (Waldemar x Fabricius) owned by Pequea Stables was fourth. This stud colt has an average development with a very nice neck and his refinement was outstanding. In trot he showed a nice front.

Nelline A.K.S. (Graaf Kelly x Makari Jetsetter)
Three two-year-old mares were presented, all of which received a first premium. Champion and invited for the overall championship was Lamone (Globetrotter x Larix) owned by A. Fisher. She is very refined and in trot and showed a lot of front and self-carriage.
THREE-YEAR-OLD studbook inspection for mares
Two mares were presented in this class and both mares became Ster. Kiralonda (Globetrotter x Talos) owned by Treasure Hill Stables was invited for the overall championship. This mare has strong conformation, a lot of front and a very nice neck with a vertical direction. She fits the harness horse type very well and in trot she has excellent knee action, suspension, balance, posture and a lot action in her front legs. She was also very powerful in her hindquarters.
FOUR-YEAR-OLD studbook inspection for mares
Three mares were presented and became Ster. Jovialidee GFF (Waldemar x Jonker) owned by William Duffy III/ Grand Finale Farm was selected for the overall championship. Jovalidee GFF is a very impressive rectangular mare with expression and a good neck and shoulder.
Studbook mares for ster inspection
Both participants in this division earned a first premium and became Ster. Jasmine (Whiskei x Canadian Empress) owned by Round Top Stables was invited for the overall championship. Jasmine is very refined, has a nice harness type and has a lot of youth.
Besides the mares, a gelding was also linear scored in the morning, which became Ster and was also invited for the overall championship. This gelding Keltro (Globetrotter x Roy M) owned by Rocky Ridge Stable has a good harness type and a very good position of his neck, and trots with nice front leg action.

Keltro (Globetrotter x Roy M)
Ster and keur mares in hand
Three of these with quality were presented, with Jeldine (Cizandro x Manno) owned by Rocky Ridge stables invited for the overall championship. Jeldine is a very nice refined mare with good connections and good front leg action.
We were very pleased that three mares passed the Alternative IBOP which has to be driven twice. The overall highest scoring mare was Jasmine (Whiskei x Canadian Empress), passing the IBOP with 77 points in the first and 75 points in the second test. Also Karydientje (Globetrotter x Saffraan) and Jemarina (Ditisem x Vaandrager) passed the test. Since Jemarina and Jasmine also became Ster they automatically became Keur. Karydientje was not presented for linear scoring, therefore she will remain as foal book but has the IBOP predicate.
Natural Way Fine Harness Cup
For mares and for stallions harness classes were driven, with all participants very enthusiastic and eager to win. Jovialidee GFF won the mares class and the KWPN-approved Globetrotter triumphed in the stallion class.

KWPN-approved Globetrotter (Cizandro x Harald)

Father and Daughter Waldemar (Patijn x Joviaal) and Natural Way Minerals Fine Harness Cup Winner of the Mares Jovialidee GFF (Waldemar x Jonker)
Overall Champion
Ultimately it was the three-year-old filly Kiralonda (Globetrotter x Talos) who was crowned as overall champion. Even at the end of the day during the overall championship she presented herself in an outstanding fashion with a lot of power – she is a real champion!
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 26, 2018
UMASS Hadley Farm
Host: Kathy Hickerson & Jill Smith
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
The first stop of the 2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour for riding horses was held at the University of Massachusetts. After this smaller-size keuring, a workshop on “linear scoring” was given for the interested audience.
The highest score of the keuring was awarded to the jumper filly Nonette MG. This modern, long-lined filly sired by Zapatero has an athletic body with well-developed withers and shoulder. She is light-footed, has suppleness in her movement, and especially her canter has good balance.
The filly Nessarette MG (Glamourdale) is a well-muscled dressage type, with a long vertical neck and uphill-built body. She is also uphill in her movement with good power and sufficient use of her body.
The three-year-old mare Kiarites SSF (Fairytale) earned her ster predicate. This elegant, refined mare has a supple, light-footed trot with good suspension.
First premiums were awarded to:
Jumper Foals:
#204 Nonette MG (Zapatero x Veron) 78/78
Bred by Majestic Gaits, owned by Erika Cooper
Dressage Foals:
#200 Nessarette MG (Glamourdale x Schroeder) 76/74
Bred by Majestic Gaits, owned by Teresa Mangini
#202 Nighttimes Best (Gaspard de la Nuit x Goodtimes) 72/69
Bred by Majestic Gaits, owned by Diana Murphy of Best Sporthorses
#203 Notorious WIE (Sir Gregory x Idocus) 70/70
Bred and owned by Alexandra Nason of Wild Iris Equestrian Center
Yearling Jumper:
#209 Moriarti RR (Dakar x Cantos) 68/75
Bred and owned by Anna-Louise Smith of Rummler Run Farm
Dressage 3-y-o Mares:
Kiarites SSF (Fairytale x Donatelli) 70/75
Bred by Scot and Carol Tolman of Shooting Star Farm, owned by Jennifer Tousignant
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”

©2018 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved.
August 27, 2018
Lafayette, NJ
Host: Katie Moriarty
On Course Riding Academy www.oncourseriding.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
The second riding-type keuring took place at the convenient and well-equipped facility of Chris and Katie Moriarty from On Course Riding Academy.
The high score jumping award was given to the sport jumper mare called Dido (Mr. Blue x Carthago). This well-proportioned mare has a lot of quality and is a great jumper type, scoring an 85 for her conformation. She is long-lined with an expressive forehand, a good topline and a long croup. She is very correct in the stance of her legs. This 10-year-old mare has performed already at the 1.35m level, and therefore was awarded keur. Besides all of this, her pedigree is also quite interesting, both sire-wise and with a famous damline ‘van het Roosakker’, which has already provided top Grand Prix jumper horses.
Two other mares were also awarded keur. The 15-year-old Wianta W, who performed at the 1.40m level, is still very fit and long-lined. Her well-muscled neck is long and her withers are well developed.
Also, Fleur de Lis received keur. She could be more developed but every time under saddle she shows great reflexes and attitude. When the jumps get higher, Fleur du Lis improves in her technique and use of her body. This gave her the highest GES Cup score of the day with 80 points. The four-year-old gelding Just Sailing received a score of 76.5 in his GES Cup free jumping and he also passed his IBOP in the hunter direction.
Two dressage foals were presented and both were presented with a high first premium. First place was for the elegant Vitalis daughter Namaste WRF. This very correctly-built filly has a long, well-muscled neck and a good topline. She has correct stance of the legs. In trot she is light-footed with good suspension and articulation of her joints. In canter she shows good technique. Second place was the well-developed colt Newport Jazz WRF by Everdale. This well-muscled colt has a vertically-placed neck and long croup. His trot has a lot of articulation, but could step under more. His canter is supple, powerful and well balanced.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#215 Namaste WRF (Vitalis x Uphill) 80/76
Bred and owned by Judy Reggio of Windy Ridge Farm

Namaste WRF
#216 Newport Jazz WRF (Everdale x Jazz) 78/76
Bred and owned by Judy Reggio of Windy Ridge Farm
Keur Mares Jumping:
#223 Dido (Mr. Bleu x Carthago) 85/sport
Bred by M.M.A. Everse (NL), owned by Sarah Middleton and Legacy Hill Stables LLC

©2018 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved.
#222 Wianta W (Lupicor x Concorde) 75/sport
Bred by A.J. Wesselink (NL), owned by Legacy Stables LLC
#225 Fleur de Lis (Riverman x Piano II)
Bred and owned by Katie Moriarty of On Course Riding Academy

Fleur de Lis ©2018 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved.
IBOP Hunter:
#221 Just Sailing (Riverman x Consul) IBOP 75
Bred and owned by Katie Moriarty of On Course Riding Academy
GES Cup:
#225 Fleur de Lis (Riverman x Piano II) 80
Bred and owned by Katie Moriarty of On Course Riding Academy
#221 Just Sailing (Riverman x Consul) 76.5
Bred and owned by Katie Moriarty of On Course Riding Academy
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 28, 2018
Coatesville, PA
Host: Mary Alice Malone
Iron Spring Farm www.ironspringfarm.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
Today’s keuring at the great facility of Iron Spring Farm had a diversity of horses presented.
High score keuring was awarded to a three-year-old dressage gelding called Kyro (sired by new World Champion Glamourdale). In his IBOP and DG Bar Cup performances, Kyro showed an active walk, has a good posture in his uphill trot, and especially his canter was well-balanced and powerful. He scored a 78.5 in his IBOP, and combined with his correct and long-lined dressage type he was awarded the ster predicate. He was also highest-placed in the three-year-old DG Bar Cup with 78 points.
Also the three-year-old long-legged gelding King Arthur (Sir Donnerhall) earned his ster predicate. This modern long-lined gelding has a good body and good suspension in his trot and canter. He is light-footed and has sufficient power.
The only three-year-old jumper mare Kanabisa SCF (Canabis) also received her ster. This elegant and correctly-built mare could be more developed, but jumped with quick reflexes and good technique in her legs and sufficient scope. She seems to be careful and has a good attitude for jumping.
Also the only harness mare, called Katruus (Colonist), was awarded ster. This elegant mare has a lot of expression and a good topline. This active mare has a good use of her hind leg with sufficient foreleg action.
The dressage foal class resulted in two foals being selected for the championship ring. Champion became the well-developed and long-legged son of Sir Sinclair called Nureyev ISF. This colt is elegant and has a modern dressage type. His gaits are light-footed and he shows a good use of his long, well-muscled neck. Runner up was the filly Notorious FCF (Olivi). This long-lined foal has a well-shaped neck and becomes even more beautiful in movement, showing athletic gaits with good suspension and articulation.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#238 Nureyev ISF (Sir Sinclair x Oscar) 77/75
Bred and owned by Iron Spring Farm Inc.

Nureyev ISF – Photo by Stacy Lynne Photos
#229 Notorious FCF(Olivi x Houston) 74/76
Bred and owned by Michelle Porter Nightingale of Five Corners Farm
#227 Natalia (Florianus II x Prestige) 77/72
Bred and owned by Denise Osborne
#236 Noble ISF (Sir Sinclair x Sorento) 72/77
Bred and owned by Iron Spring Farm Inc.
#199 Naeromy (Sternlicht x Gribaldi) 73/69
Bred and owned by Izabel Barzun
Jumper Foals:
#241 Newsflash SCF (Grand Slam x Goodtimes) 73/75
Bred and owned by Dr. Carlos and Karin Jimenez of Sporting Chance Farm
Jumper Mares 3yo Ster:
#258 Kanabisa SCF (Canabis x Balou du Rouet) 70/75
Bred and owned by Dr. Carlos and Karin Jimenez of Sporting Chance Farm
Harness Mares 3yo Ster:
#259 Katruus (Colonist x Manno) 75/75/75
Bred by Dutch Central Stables, owned by Iron Spring Farm Inc.

Katruus – Photo by Stacy Lynne Photos
Dressage Geldings 3yo Ster:
#249 Kyro (Glamourdale x Jazz) 75/80
Bred by J. Hermanussen (NL), owned by Christopher Preston

Kyro – Photo by Stacy Lynne Photos
#247 King Arthur (Sir Donnerhall x Florencio) 75/75
Bred by Siegi Belz-Fry of Stall Europa, owned by Teresa Crater

King Arthur – Photo by Stacy Lynne Photos
IBOP Dressage:
#249 Kyro (Glamourdale x Jazz) 78.5
Bred by J. Hermanussen (NL), owned by Christopher Preston
DG Bar Cup 3yo:
#249 Kyro (Glamourdale x Jazz) 78
Bred by J. Hermanussen (NL), owned by Christopher Preston
#262 KnockOut SSF(Eye Catcher x Bon Bravour) 73
Bred by Scot and Carol Tolman of Shooting Star Farm, owned by Emily Craig Donaldson
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
Jannes (Delviro x Vaandrager) 71
Bred by A. De Vries (NL), owned by Angela Sasso and Patrick McGraw
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 29, 2018
Suffolk, VA
Host: Tracy Geller
Six Pound Farm www.sixpoundfarm.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
The keuring in Virginia was held at the pleasant facility of Six Pound Farm. This smaller keuring was smoothly run by Tracy Geller.
The high score of the day was earned by a dressage filly, called Nokia KF (Grand Galaxy Win). This well-developed filly has a modern dressage type, is elegant, with uphill build and a lot of expression. Her athletic body is well used in movement. She is supple, light-footed, has good suspension and articulation, and has uphill tendency in all three gaits, walk, trot and canter. Nokia KF earned the leading score of the country (to date) with 83 in total. Breeder Lisa Dickman also owned the second- and third-placed foal, as well as the best adult dressage horse, the three-year-old mare Karisma S.E. (Negro). This correctly-built mare is well muscled and has power in her movement. Especially her walk has good length of stride and body use, and her trot and canter show good technique with sufficient use of the body and posture. Karisma S.E. earned her ster predicate today.
High-scoring young jumper was the two-year-old mare Limelight SPF (Arezzo). Limelight has a modern jumper type with good topline and correct legs. She shows a powerful canter with good balance.
The 12-year-old mare Bentinov (Ustinov) earned her elite predicate today. This mare, who competed at the 1.40m level, has a correct jumper type, but could be more rectangular in her body. Bentinov has correct and lean legs and was awarded with the high score ribbon for adult jumper.
The expressive hunter colt Nominee SPF (Vindication) shows sufficient development and has a well-muscled body. He is light-footed and has good technique in his gaits with sufficient suppleness.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#267 Nokia KF (Grand Galaxy Winn x Hotline) 82/84
Bred and owned by Lisa Dickman of Kaneques Farm

Nokia KF – Photo by Sean Reilly Photography
#268 Netflix KF (Don Olymbrio x Tuschinski) 72/76
Bred and owned by Lisa Dickman of Kaneques Farm
#270 Nolivi KF (Olivi x Sir Sinclair) 72/72
Bred and owned by Lisa Dickman of Kaneques Farm
#265 Nalani NP (Schroeder x Ferro) 71/70
Bred and owned by Melanie and Keith Harper of MP Sporthorses
#269 Newtonsthirdlaw SBF (Olivi x Flemmingh) 71/69
Bred and owned by M.F. Evenstad of Sweet Beginnings Farm
Jumper Foals:
#272 Nonpareil SPF (I’m Special de Muze x Acorado) 73/72
Bred and owned by Six Pound Farm LLC
#271 Nickelottie SPF (Dulf van den Bischop x Parco) 72/68
Bred and owned by Six Pound Farm LLC
Hunter Foals:
#274 Nominee SPF (Vindication x Federalist) 76/75
Bred and owned by Six Pound Farm LLC

Nominee SPF – Photo by Sean Reilly Photography
Dressage Mares 2yo:
#277 Love To Dance (Wild Dance x Metall) 72/72
Bred by Eowyn Brewer of Serendipity Farm, owned by Ryan Spanagel
Jumper Mares 2yo:
#278 Limelight SPF (Arezzo x Orame) 77/75
Bred and owned by Six Pound Farm LLC

Limelight SPF – Photo by Sean Reilly Photography
Hunter Mares 2yo:
#279 Lyonesse (Fandango x Schonfelder) 70/70
Bred and owned by Erica Feiste DVM
Dressage Mares 3yo Ster:
#281 Karisma S.E. (Negro x Jazz) 70/75
Bred by Siegi Belz-Fry of Stall Europa, owned by Lisa Dickman of Kaneques Farm

Karisma S.E. (Negro x Jazz) Received her Ster Predicate
Jumper Mares Keur/Elite:
#282 Bentinov (Ustinov x Dublin) Elite sport (SP)
Bred by A.A. Stappenbeld (NL), owned by Erica Feiste DVM

2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 30, 2018
Reddick, FL
Host: Sandi Lieb
Pennock Point Sport Horses
Jury: Bart Henstra & ArieHamoen
The interesting keuring held at Pennock Point Sporthorses was smoothly run by host Sandi Lieb and despite a thunderstorm the schedule could be finished in time with help of all participants. The keuring showed several interesting horses, as well for sports as for breeding.
High score of the keuring was earned by the 10-year-old Grand Prix dressage mare Dee Clair (Sir Sinclair). This long-lined elegant mare competes successfully at the Grand Prix level, and when she starts moving she shows a lot of energy, is rising in her withers and shows a lot of engagement behind. Already in hand we could see the power and the ability for collection. Dee Clair is light-footed and has a lot of articulation in her joints. Dee Clair was promoted to keur today.
The same owner also showed a six-year-old sport dressage mare called Haiku (also sired by Sir Sinclair). This mare also earned her keur predicate today with her supple and powerful trot with good suspension. Her canter is active with good balance.
The long-lined three-year-old mare Khaleesi von Camelot (Uno Don Diego) was awarded ster. She has a high and long wither and good shoulder. Her walk is long strided and in trot she has a good bending and an active hindleg. Also the three-year-old gelding Kouragous (Locksley I) earned his ster. This supple gelding has a light-footed trot with active use of his hindleg and shows good posture.
The four-year-old ster gelding Improv (UB40) was presented in the DG Bar Cup. This powerful gelding has a clear and active walk, an uphill and light-footed trot with power, and an active canter with good length of stride. Improv is uphill and carrying in trot and canter. Earning an 81 for his test, Improv was awarded first place in his class.
The dressage foal class was won by Noah (Franklin). This well-developed and well-muscled colt is built uphill and has a good dressage type. He uses his neck well in movement and has good articulation in his joints. Second place was another colt called Normandy OF (Totilas). Especially in movement, Normandy OF shows a lot of posture and has a good length of stride in trot and canter. Especially his canter is well balanced and carrying.
The four-year-old Just a Star was presented in the stallion class for jumpers and was awarded ster. This large and very scopey stallion could be more modern in his jumper type, but is very well-schooled and has a long-strided canter, he seems to be careful (but could be quicker in his reflexes), but he shows a lot of scope and opens well in his haunches. Just a Star also showed under saddle his scope and his ability for jumping. Just a Star received a 9 for his scope and 8.5 for his rideability. With a total of 79.5 in the IBOP and 80.5 in the GES Cup he successfully completed the performance today. However for stallion approval his pedigree should be more convincing and he should be more modern in his type.
Juliette-Niki S (Carrera) earned her ster predicate with her scope and her opening of her haunches. This long-lined mare could be more powerful in her take off, but seems to be scopey with sufficient care. In the GES Cup Juliette-Niki received a total score of 75.5.
Top young jumper was the filly Natural Wonder (Indoctro). This very expressive filly is well-proportioned and has an athletic body, long withers and quality legs. Her movement is light-footed with good suspension and balance. She has a very active use of her powerful hindleg. With 80 for conformation and 80 for movement, she is the leading jumper foal in the country so far.
Second place was the well-developed, long-lined filly Nuvolari de Lottie (Verdi). Novolari de Lottie has a good jumper type and a long-strided canter with sufficient power. Also the well-muscled colt Nonchalant LPR (Zapatero) has a supple and well-balanced canter, a well-shaped, muscled neck and a correct body. Fourth place was earned by the powerful filly Nvitation Only (Goodtimes). This filly has a strong topline with a well-shaped croup, and her canter has an active and powerful use of her hindleg.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#285 Noah (Franklin x Santano)80/75
Bred and owned by Miller Stables LLC
#312 Normandy OF (Totilas x Sir Sinclair)74/77
Bred and owned by Terry Long of Oakdancer Farm
# 283 Nchanted (Bretton Woods x Don Tango)72/70
Bred and owned by Equine Holdings LLC
Jumper Foals:
#287 Natural Wonder (Indoctro x d’Wildcat)80/80
Bred and owned by Christine Miller of Oakmont Farm
#289 Nuvolari de Lottie (Verdi x Indoctro)78/75
Bred and owned by Matty O’Rourke
#292 Nonchalant LPR (Zapatero x Orame)74/77
Bred and owned by Nancy Debosek of Lone Palm Ranch
#290 Nvitation Only (Goodtimes x Navarone)74/76
Bred and owned by Wendy Liopiros of Sunfire Farm
#291 Nantucket S (Contendro I x Canturo)72/70
Bred and owned by Sakura Hill Farm LLC
Dressage Yearlings:
#293 Mufasa von Camelot (Uno Don Diego x Ferro)70/74
Bred and owned by Daniela Hofacker of Camelot Warmbloods LLC
Jumper 2yo:
#297 Lyft LPR (Zapatero x Orame)72/72
Bred and owned by Nancy Debosek of Lone Palm Ranch
#296 Lucidato (Fandango x Colbert)68/72
Bred by Emil Spadone of Redfield Farm LLC, owned by Jessica Versaggi
Dressage 3yo Mares ster:
#300 Khaleesi von Camelot (Uno Don Diego x Ferro)70/75
Bred and owned by Daniela Hofacker of Camelot Warmbloods LLC
Dressage 3yo Geldings ster:
#288 Kourageous (Locksley x Ferro)70/75
Bred and owned by Lisa Neal of Fair Oaks Farm
Dressage Mares 4-7yo ster:
#302 Haiku (Sir Sinclair x Gentleman)keur75/sport dressage
Bred by Inspo Inc, owned by Diane Morrison

Haiku and Dee Claire – Photos by Harry Furey
Jumper Mares 4-7yo ster:
#305 Juliette-Niki S (Carrera x Ulysses M2S)70/75
Bred by Sakura Hill Farm LLC, owned by Jason and Heather Sarno
Jumper Stallions 4-7yo ster:
#310 Just a Star (Sydney x Vegas)70/80
Bred and owned by Debbie Stephens of Centennial Farm Inc.

Just A Star – Photos by Harry Furey
Mares 8yo & older ster:
#303 Dee Clair (Sir Sinclair x Rolls Royce) keur 75/sport dressage
Bred by Dr. Ruth Sorensen, owned by Diane Morrison

Haiku and Dee Claire – Photos by Harry Furey
IBOP Jumper:
#310 Just a Star (Sydney x Vegas)79.5
Bred and owned by Debbie Stephens of Centennial Farm Inc.

Just A Star – Photos by Harry Furey

Just A Star – Photos by Harry Furey
GES Cup 4yo:
#310 Just a Star (Sydney x Vegas)80.5
Bred and owned by Debbie Stephens of Centennial Farm Inc.
#305 Juliette-Niki S (Carrera x Ulysses M2S)75.5
Bred by Sakura Hill Farm LLC, owned by Jason and Heather Sarno
#304 Joy Ride (Parco x d’Wildcat)71
Bred and owned by Christine Miller of Oakmont Farm
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#308 Improv 40Z (UB40 x Rousseau)81
Bred and owned by Sandi Lieb of Pennock Point Sporthorses
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 31, 2018
Newnan, GA
Host: Julie Haralson & Jos & Laura Sevriens
Blalock Lakes www.blalocklakes.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
Today’s keuring was held at the well-equipped facility of Blalock Lakes.
High score of the keuring with 80 for conformation and 80 for movement was awarded to a dressage gelding, the three-year-old Kadeaux (sired by Bordeaux), who is well developed and has a good dressage type. This well-proportioned gelding is supple in his movement: in trot he shows good use of his hindleg, but especially his big-strided canter was well balanced and powerful.
The three-year-old dressage mare Kameo HF(Netto) earned her ster and keur eligible predicate. This expressive mare has a good topline and correct and lean legs. In trot she has a good use of her hindleg and shows sufficient posture, and her canter is active, long-strided and carrying.
The six-year-old Hibiscus(Charmeur) was awarded keur, with a passing IBOP score of 78. Under saddle, this correctly-built mare showed a very good canter, active, engaged, good technique and body use and especially in the second part of the IBOP she showed her ability for collection in the canter. Her trot has good technique with sufficient uphill tendency, and her walk shows good length of stride.
The high score adult jumper was earned by the tall gelding called Kensington(Ultime Espoir). This elegant and refined gelding is light-footed in his canter, has a quick takeoff and good front leg technique, with sufficient use of his body. Kensington could be more consistent but seems to be willing and careful.
The four-year-old jumper mare Hannabel CP(Caranza TSH) earned her ster predicate with her powerful canter. In jumping she has a powerful and upward takeoff, but could lower herself more in the neck. She opens well behind and seems to be careful with sufficient scope.
The best young jumper was an Arezzo filly called Novara HMS. This long-lined, well-muscled filly has a long wither and a good topline, and her powerful canter has good articulation with sufficient body use.
First premiums were awarded to:
Jumper Foals:
#315 Novara HMS (Arezzo x Indoctro) 75/75
Bred and owned by Amanda Lorinc of Harpeth Meadow Stables
#316 Nuit du Emerald HMS (Emerald x Balou du Rouet)70/76
Bred and owned by Amanda Lorinc of Harpeth Meadow Stables
Dressage Mares 3yo Ster:
#325 Kameo HF (Netto x Jazz) 75/75
Bred and owned by Julie Ballard Haralson of Haralson Farm

Kameo HF – Photo by Alicia Frese Photography
Dressage Geldings 3yo Ster:
#321 Kadeaux HF (Bordeaux x UB40) 80/80
Bred by Julie Ballard Haralson of Haralson Farm, owned by Dawn Mortimer
Jumper Mares 3yo Ster:
#330 Hannabel (Caranza TSH x Picardo Z) 70/75
Bred and owned by Douwe Plantinga of Pleasant Hill Farms LLC
Jumper Geldings 3yo Ster:
#324 Kensington (Ultime Espoir x Zacharov) 75/75
Bred and owned by Lisa Smith of Hunter Hill Sporthorses
Dressage Mares 4-7yo Ster/Keur:
#328 Hibiscus N.D. (Charmeur x Havidof) Keur 75/80
Bred by H. Vloet-Nabuurs (NL), owned by Greenwood Sporthorses

Hibiscus ND – Photo by Alicia Frese Photography

Hibiscus ND – Photo by Alicia Frese Photography
IBOP Dressage:
#328 Hibiscus N.D. (Charmeur x Havidof) 78
Bred by H. Vloet-Nabuurs (NL), owned by Greenwood Sporthorses
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#333 Jade (Arlando x Tuschinsky) 70
Bred by J.A.M. Marse (NL), owned by Justine Wilson of Breezy Hill South
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
August 31-September 1, 2018
Goshen, IN
Host: David Beachy & Wim Cazemier
Elkhardt County Fairgrounds
Jury: Viggon Van Beest & Gerardus Hermanussen
On Friday and Saturday the second KWPN-NA harness horse keuring was held in Goshen, Indiana at the Elkhardt County Fairgrounds. This second keuring was also very successful with a very high quality of harness horses, with outstanding winners in all classes. Also the location, the hospitality and weather helped to make it a great event.
Eight fillies and eight colts competed for the championship and were judged in two groups being the Foalbook/Reg. A foals and the Reg. B foals. Fifteen foals were awarded with a first premium. In total five foals were selected for the finals, three in the Foalbook/Reg. A and two in the Reg. B group. Overall champion of the first group was awarded to Neva (Hermanus x Reflex M) owned by Martin Schmucker. This filly has a very nice front with a strong topline and connections. She’s nicely refined with a nice neck and a good leg quality. She showed in trot a lot of front with lots of balance and suspension, good flexion in her joints and good power generation from her hindlegs. Also her foreleg action was impressive. Foal champion of the second group became the stud colt Notorious (Jeebert x Atleet) owned by David and Lorene Beachy of the Farbig Farm. This stunning and well developed colt fits very well in the harness type, has an impressive upright front and very strong connections with lean leg quality. In trot he showed lots of expression and self-carriage and a lot of balance and suspension. This stud colt showed ability to accelerate and an outstanding foreleg action.
Only Larado (Vaandrager x Patijn) owned by John Graber was presented and rewarded with a first premium and championship. This stallion is very well developed and fits the harness type well. He has a nice front with good developed withers and shoulder. In trot he showed very well with an outstanding foreleg action and suspension. Due to his very powerful hindquarter he also showed lots of self-carriage and balance.
Three-Year-Olds – Studbook Inspection for Mares
Two mares were presented in this class and both mares became ster. Winner in this class with an invitation for the overall championship became Kadillac Chic (Atleet x Vaandrager) owned by Bartholomiej Gasienica Byreyn. This mare is very refined and has a rectangular model with well-developed withers and shoulder. In trot she scored sufficient in all elements.
Mares 4-7-Year-Olds Studbook Inspection
Five mares were presented and all became ster. Jay Rose(Plain’s Liberator x Manno) owned by Wim Cazemier was placed first, invited for the overall championship and even became keur based on her two positive alternative IBOP’s. This very refined mare showed a lot of expression, has a very strong topline combined with good developed withers and shoulder and high quality lean legs. In trot she generates a lot of power and bending in her hindlegs. She shows with good technique and balance and high action in her forelegs.
Mares 4-7-Year-Olds Keur
Five mares were presented in this class, and the winner (and invited for the overall championship) was Worita(Manno x Renovo) owned by Paul C. Miller.This impressive and very well preserved 15-year-old mare fits the harness type very well. She is nicely refined with a long neck and good front. She shows a lot of posture and a good foreleg, a powerful hindleg, combined with a lot of suspension.
Overall Championship – Mares
Kadillac Chic, Jay Rose and Worita competed for the overall Championship, where Worita earned top honors due to her very good presentation and preserved quality with her age of 15 years and her strong trot.


Kadillac Chic
Stallions for Licensing
Two stallions were linear scored and both were invited for the first alternative IBOP on Friday. One stallion was invited for the regular IBOP on Saturday. This Intign(Waterman x Patijn) owned by Amos R.S. Schwartz fits very well in the harness type, is built uphill and has well developed withers and shoulder. This stallion shows a lot of front and action in his foreleg and develops good suspension. As Intign is a direct son of Waterman his pedigree is interesting for the population, combined with his solid performance he can continue in the process to become a KWPN licensed stallion. At this stage he only needs to pass the semen evaluation to become licensed.

We were very pleased that three mares out of four as well as one gelding passed for both the alternative IBOP’s. Two horses need to be mentioned here, because both were awarded with extraordinary high scores. Jay Rose(Plain’s Liberator x Manno) owned by Wim Cazemier passed the IBOP’s with 85.5 and 86 points. She trots with excellent bending in her joints, generates much power in her hindlegs, has outstanding action in her foreleg and shows with very good balance and suspension. The gelding Jonker’s Prince(Jonker x Halstead’s Viking) owned by George Ames scored even higher, an outstanding 86 and 89 points! He also trots with excellent bending in his joints, generates massive power in his hindlegs which resulted in a 9.5 score for this element. He shows with a lot of self-carriage and acceleration and delivers how we like to see a harness horse trot. Iverona(Eebert x Waterman) owned by Joe D. Mast became keur after her two positive IBOP results. Iota Reg. B (Silver Oaks Cartier x Lorton) owned by Martin M. Schmucker also passed for both IBOP’s and she will become keur once she passes endoscopic exam and x-rays (PROK).
Fine Harness Cup
For mares and for stallions harness classes were driven, where the mare Jolanda(Whiskei x Orlando) owned by Rocky Ridge Stables was awarded Champion. Reserve Champion became Worita(Manno x Renovo) owned by Paul C. Miller. Champion in the stallion division was the approved KWPN stallion Globetrotter(Cizandro x Harald) owned by Rocky Ridge Stables, and Reserve Champion became Hermanus(Patijn x Manno) owned by Jonas Lengacaer, Martin Schmucker and Steven Graber.
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 1, 2018
Depauw, IN
Host: KC Dunn
Timbach Farm www.timbachfarm.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
This keuring in Indiana was held at the convenient Timbach Farms, with mainly dressage horses presented.
The dressage foals had an outstanding winner, who received the high score keuring ribbon. Filly Nadia Zarma TF (Vitalis) has a very good dressage type. This modern filly is well-proportioned, has a well-developed wither, a long sloping shoulder and an athletic body. She uses her neck and body well in movement and has good suspension in trot and an expressive use of her front leg. Her long-strided canter is well balanced, supple, and carrying, and her front leg has good reach. With an overall score of 82, Nadia Zarma TF has earned second place in the country so far. The long-lined filly Nova de Luxe TF (Don de Luxe) has a long, well-muscled neck and well developed withers. In movement she has good use of her neck, and especially her trot is uphill with good suspension and reach. Her canter is balanced with sufficient power. The elegant filly Nikita TF (Olivi) has an athletic body with a long, well-shaped croup. Her light-footed trot has good reach, but could be more engaged. Her balanced canter shows good length of stride.
High score adult dressage horse was awarded to the five-year-old mare Inca (Charmeur). This well-muscled mare could be more modern in her dressage type, but especially her canter is very powerful, balanced and uphill. She shows a lot of flexion in her joints and carrying power. Her trot has good reach and also a powerful use of her hindleg.
The four-year-old Jazmine Zarma TF, also sired by Charmeur, passed her IBOP with 75 points and was awarded keur. This correctly-built mare has a good walk, her trot has good technique but could be more supple, and her canter is active with good reach. She has a steady connection to the bridle and was also highest placed mare in the DG Bar Cup with 75 points.
The high score ribbon for the jumpers was awarded to the colt Neustat M (Lestat). This long-lined colt has a long, well-shaped croup. His canter is light-footed and has good suspension.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#334 Nadia Zarma TF (Vitalis x Voice) 82/82

Nadia Zarma TF Photo by Yellowhorse Marketing
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
#338 Nova Deluxe TF (Don de Luxe x Sandro Hit) 76/75
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
#336 Nikita TF (Olivi x Devon Heir) 74/76
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
#341 Nykko WF (Gaspard de la Nuit x Odin) 73/73
Bred and owned by Linda and Mark Schklar

Neustat-M Photo by Yellowhorse Marketing
Foals jumper:
# 343 Neustat M (Lestat x Corland) 73/75
Bred and owned by Mary Ellenberger DVM of Maefield Farm
Dressage Mares 4-7yo ster:
#350 Inca (Charmeur x Paddox) ster, keur eligible 70/80
Bred by Inspo Inc, owned by Peggy Mills of JP Farm
#348 Jazmine Zarma TF (Charmeur x Westpoint) keur 70/75
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
Dressage IBOP:
#348 Jazmine Zarma TF (Charmeur x Westpoint) 75
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#348 Jazmine Zarma TF (Charmeur x Westpoint) 75
Bred and owned by KC Dunn of Timbach Farm
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 2, 2018
Dousman, WI
Host: Deanna Greulich
Blue Gate Farm www.bgfsporthorses.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
Blue Gate Farm facilitated the keuring in Wisconsin, and these well-equipped accommodations made this smaller keuring run smoothly.
High scores were achieved by the foals, and especially the dressage foals impressed both the judges and the audience. High score of the keuring was awarded to the Jazz filly called Nirvana SS. This young and uphill-built filly is expressive and refined. Her trot is special, light-footed, adjustable, athletic with a lot of carrying power and uphill tendency. Her walk and canter show good length of stride and articulation. With a total score of 80 this foal is ranked third in the country so far.
Second place was for the athletic son of Sir Sinclair named Nikolas SS. This long-lined colt has a long, well-shaped neck and shows a lot of technique in his supple movement. He has very good use of his body in walk, trot and canter. Third place was earned by the well-muscled filly Nadieni, sired by Dream Boy. This correctly-built filly has a good topline, an active and powerful hindleg in trot and canter, and shows good articulation and uphill tendency. Fourth place was earned by the best dressage type of this class: Newton (by Vitalis) is really well-proportioned and has an uphill build, well-muscled body and a lot of expression. His canter is long-strided with good balance and carrying ability, and his trot shows good technique with sufficient suppleness.
The long-lined two-year-old UB-40 gelding Louisville SS has a well-shaped vertical neck and a good dressage type with lean legs. His movement is light-footed, has good reach in his front leg and shows sufficient power.
The jumper filly Novella NHF (Etoulon) has a good modern jumper type and is well-proportioned and well-muscled. She has a good topline of back and loin and correct legs. Her canter is balanced with sufficient use of the body.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#353 Nirvana SS (Jazz x Ferro) 78/82
Bred by Stanley Topilko, owned by Dawn Spencer of Spencer Sporthorses LLC
#355 Nikolas SS (Sir Sinclair x Dolany) 78/81
Bred and owned by Dawn Spencer of Spencer Sporthorses LLC
#352 Nadieni (Dream Boy x Uphill) 78/80
Bred and owned by Jennifer Zauel of Windmill Farms
#354 Newton (Vitalis x Uphill) 83/74
Bred by Jennifer Zauel of Windmill Farms, owned by Michael Peters and Michael Wegesin
Jumper Foals:
#357 Novella NHF (Etoulon x Zerona) 79/75
Bred and owned by DeAnna Greulich of Normandy Hill Farm
Jumper Yearlings:
#359 Mirabella NHF (Imothep x Zerona) 74/68
Bred and owned by DeAnna Greulich of Normandy Hill Farm
Hunter Yearlings:
#360 Maritime NHF (Cabardino Ze x Idocus) 70/70
Bred and owned by DeAnna Greulich of Normandy Hill Farm
Dressage 2yo Geldings:
#361 Louisville SS (UB40 x Ferro) 76/76
Bred by Dawn Spencer of Spencer Sporthorses LLC, owned by Hillary Oliver
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#362 Joly Cara C (Dream Boy x Flemmingh) 70
Bred by Stoeterij ‘T Centrum (NL), owned by Jennifer Zauel of Windmill Farms
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 3, 2018
Sherwood, OR
Host: Dan & Gina Ruediger
Sonnenberg Farm www.sonnenberg.us
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
This keuring in Oregon was held at the great location of Sonnenberg farm. Our hosts Dan and Gina Ruediger had a lot of interested spectators coming to this keuring, who could all watch the quality presented in the dressage classes. Faith Fessenden also informed all people at the keuring with additional information about the linear scoring and pedigrees.
The high score ribbon was awarded to the three-year-old dressage mare called Kiriska (sired by Jazz). This modern and elegant dressage mare has an expressive long, well-shaped neck and athletic body. Kiriska shows a great body use in movement: her walk is active with good reach and very supple. Same for her trot, as she impressed us with her body use and her suppleness, her very good leg technique and articulation. Her trot is always uphill and carrying with a very good use of her neck. Her canter is powerful and active with good length of stride. A total score of 80 for her conformation and 90 for her movement tells it all.
The four-year-old Juliette D’Rosa (Ampere) is a powerful and well-muscled mare. She also has a good dressage type with well-developed withers, long sloping shoulder and a good topline. In movement she is powerful with good suspension, has a lot of articulation and technique, and has an expressive use of her frontleg. Her canter is carrying and powerful with good length of stride. With 80 for conformation and 85 for movement Juliette D’Rosa also got a very good score and received her keur eligible predicate.
Two older dressage mares, who already did their IBOP, were presented for keur and both were upgraded. The great five-year-old Izabella (Sezuan) already scored a 84.5 in her IBOP with a 9.5 for her fantastic canter. This long-lined, well-developed mare was easily promoted to keur and since she also got her D-OC she became elite. Also Gold Pleasure (Wynton) was awarded elite today. This elegant mare has a good rectangular type and a well-shaped long neck. She also passed her IBOP and in-hand she showed an expressive use of her frontleg.
In the DG Bar Cup for six-year-old horses the keur mare Hannah Anda (UB40) was presented. This well-trained mare is confirmed in her riding. She has a clear active walk, she uses her hindleg well in trot and especially her canter was well-balanced and shows good rhythm. In the collection she is active and engaged in her hindleg. With an overall score of 81 this mare was ranked first nationally (to date) in the DG Bar Cup.
The class of dressage foals also showed quality. The winner was the filly Nadia D’Rosa (Franklin). This filly shows sufficient development and a good dressage type, but in movement she becomes quite special. Her canter is great, with lots of power, balance, suppleness and technique. Her trot has a lot of suspension and a very expressive use of her frontleg. With an 85 score for her movement this filly was awarded with the high score for young dressage horse and is now third in the country so far. Runner up was the colt Nautilos (Governor). This colt has a very good dressage type, is long-lined, with an uphill body direction and a well-shaped long neck. His light-footed movement shows an active use of his hindleg and sufficient reach in his front leg with good posture. In third place was the colt Nebraska (Ibiza). This well-built colt is somewhat sickle-hocked in his hindleg, but his trot has good posture and reach and especially his canter is well-balanced, powerful and adjustable. The well-developed filly Nadanta (Fidertanz) is well-muscled and correctly built. Her trot is expressive with good technique, and the canter has good length of stride with sufficient power.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#364 Nadia D’Rosa S (Franklin x Uphill) 78 /85
Bred and owned by Sonnenberg Farm LLC
#368 Nautilos (Governor x Krack C) 82/77
Bred and owned by Rachel and Ann Taylor
#369 Nebraska (Ibiza x Rhodium) 76/80
Bred and owned by Gayle Atkins of Affinity Sporthorses
#363 Nadanta (Fidertanz x Casantos) 75/75
Bred and owned by Mary Roush-Evans
#365 Nala D’Rosa S (UB40 x Ampere) 74/74
Bred and owned by Sonnenberg Farm LLC
Jumper Foals:
#371 No Doubt WF (Starpower x Un Beerenauslese) 69/72
Bred and owned by Shelley Campbell of Windbourne Farm
Dressage Mares 3yo ster:
#374 Kiriska (Jazz x Rhodium) ster, keur eligible 80/90
Bred and owned by Gayle Atkins of Affinity Sporthorses
Dressage Mares 4-7 yo ster:
#375 Juliette D’Rosa S (Ampere x Farrington) ster, keur eligible 80/85
Bred and owned by Sonnenberg Farm LLC
Dressage Mares keur/elite:
#378 Izabella (Sezuan x Riccione) Elite
Bred by C. Kramer (NL), owned by Heather Oleson
#377 Gold Pleasure (Wynton x Ferro) Elite
Bred by W.L. Plaizier, owned by Sonnenberg Farm LLC
DG Bar Cup 6yo:
Hannah Anda S (UB40 x Houston) 81
Bred and owned by Sonnenberg Farm LLC
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 4, 2018
Sedalia, CO
Host: Lauren Woodruff
The Hillside Center www.thehillsidecenter.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
Is has been more than 20 years since a KWPN keuring was held in Colorado, but host Lauren May Woodruff made it possible to organize a keuring at the scenic foot of the Rocky Mountains.
Highest score of the keuring was awarded to a young dressage foal called Nobello CBF (sired by Indigro). This well-developed and long-lined colt has a good dressage type with sufficient muscling in his topline. He has a well-shaped, long croup and correct legs. Has trot shows good length of stride with sufficient power, and his canter is well balanced, powerful and shows uphill tendency.
High adult dressage horse score was awarded to the ster gelding Jumani, sired by Johnson. Jumani was presented in the Dressage IBOP were he showed his powerful, long-strided and well-balanced canter. His walk is correct with sufficient length but could be more supple; his trot has sufficient length of stride and good articulation but can become more engaged. With an 8.5 for his canter, Jumani successfully passed his IBOP with a total of 75. He received the same score in the DG Bar Cup for four-year-olds.
In the Jumper IBOP division, the dressage-bred six-year-old gelding Hermus P (Oscar) also passed his IBOP with a total of 78. This scopey gelding has a well-balanced canter, a quick but somewhat forward take off, and seems to be careful. He improved in his technique and body use when the jumps were raised and at the higher oxers he showed good bascule and opens well behind. Hermus P also was awarded ster in the jumper direction and received 78 points in the GES cup.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#382 Nobello CPF (Indigro x Krack C) 76/75
Bred by J.P. van de Kamer, owned by Larry and Kathy Childs of Crooked Post Farm
Jumper Foals:
#383 Nala CMH (Douglas x Calloway) 70/72
Bred and owned by Karen Banister of Custom Made Horses and Ponies LLC
Jumper Geldings 4-7yo:
#386 Hermus P (Oscar x Florencio) 70/80
Bred by R. Prins (NL), owned by Dawn Marie Critton
Dressage IBOP:
#394 Jumani (Johnson x Fleming) 75
Bred and owned by Larry and Kathy Childs of Crooked Post Farm
Jumper IBOP:
#386 Hermus P (Oscar x Florencio) 78
Bred by R. Prins (NL), owned by Dawn Marie Critton
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#394 Jumani (Johnson x Fleming) 75
Bred and owned by Larry and Kathy Childs of Crooked Post Farm
GES Cup:
#386 Hermus P (Oscar x Florencio) 78
Bred by R. Prins (NL), owned by Dawn Marie Critton
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 5, 2018
Hanford, CA
Host: Willy Arts
DG Bar Ranch www.dgbarranch.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
At the first day of the well-organized DG Bar Keuring mainly riding classes and studbook entries were done. The dressage riding classes included both IBOP and DG Bar Cup entries.
High score IBOP and winner of the three-year-old DG Bar Cup was the stallion Koning DG (Bordeaux). This very rideable and well-trained stallion has a great use of his body. Especially his walk and canter were outstanding. His walk is really supple through the body, long-strided and active. His trot shows good posture and very good use of his neck with good articulation. His canter was very balanced, supple and uphill with a lot of athleticism. With an overall score of 85.5 in his IBOP and DG Bar, Koning received a top score with 9’s for walk and canter.
Second place in the DG Bar Cup for three-year-olds was awarded to Kiamenta DG (Bordeaux). This supple light-footed mare is balanced and easy to ride. Her trot has good technique and body use. Also her canter is balanced with good body use. Third place was for the gelding Kabuki (Charmeur). This elegant gelding shows good power in his canter with active use of his hind leg. Also his trot shows good leg technique with sufficient uphill tendency.
Winner of the four-year-old DG Bar Cup was Joule (Ampere) .This powerful gelding shows good posture and carrying ability in both trot and canter. He has good articulation and suspension and shows always uphill tendency and good balance. Second place was the new keur mare Jamebria (Charmeur). Jamebria has correct dressage conformation with sufficient muscling in her topline and a really expressive use of her front leg. Her walk is supple and athletic, her trot has good reach and uphill tendency, and her canter has a very expressive use of her front leg with sufficient balance. With a 79 in her IBOP, Jamebria was awarded keur today.
In third place was the very rideable and well trained Jagger (Idocus). This submissive gelding has a good use of his neck and has good balance in all gaits. In the fourth spot was the versatile gelders mare Jande (Parcival). Janda has powerful movement: in her Gelders IBOP she received a 9 for her powerful active canter and an 8.5 for her talent as a dressage horse. With a passing score of 74, Janda earned keur and was awarded with the high score of the Gelders type horses.
Fifth place was earned by the new ster gelding Jett MVS (Bretton Woods). Jett MVS is very light footed and supple. With his good balance he has a good connection and shows good rideability. In sixth place was Jumara MVS (Charmeur). Jumara has good posture and good leg technique with sufficient body use. With a passing score of 75 in her IBOP, Jumara earned her keur predicate today.
The five- and six-year-old DG Bar Cup was won by Holland (Johnson). Holland impressed the judges with his athletic and powerful canter, with a great ability for collection. His trot shows good articulation and suspension. Second place was a tie for Ion SWF (Lingh) and Ivy League (Bordeaux). Ion SWF is a well-trained elegant gelding, who is already confirmed in his dressage exercises. He has good posture and shows good rideability. Ivy League showed her quality in her gaits with a good use of her hind leg. She is light-footed but could be more confirmed in her exercises.
The tall gelding Kitalis MVS (Vitalis x Westpoint) received his ster predicate. This long-lined uphill-built gelding has a good dressage type with very well-developed withers and long shoulder. He has good body use in his gaits and a lot of posture. This supple gelding is light-footed and long-strided.
The 12-year-old mare Bolimbria (Sandro Hit) was awarded ster with her long-lined body. She is light-footed in her movement with good balance – especially her walk is supple and long-strided.
Jumper mare Kahlua (Judgement) was awarded keur eligible. This modern-built jumper type has a correct and long-lined body with good topline. In jumping she shows a good leg technique and sufficient use of her bo;dy.
Also Jameson (Judgement) was awarded keur eligible. This well-muscled mare is scopey and powerful with really good use of her front leg. Jameson also won the GES Cup with an overall score of 77.5.
The elegant Kosmic Twist S (Corland) could be stronger in her topline but has an athletic canter with good reach and suspension. In jumping she shows a quick but somewhat forward takeoff, good leg technique and sufficient body use. Kosmic Twist earned her ster predicate.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Geldings 3yo:
#418 Kitalis MVS (Vitalis x Westpoint) 80/80
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
Jumper Mares 3yo:
#427 Kahlua (Judgement x Orame) ster, keur eligible 75/75
Bred by Lynn St. Laurent, owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
#428 Kosmic Twist S (Corland x Alla Czar) ster 70/75
Bred by Sakura Hill Farm, owned by Michlynn Sterling
Dressage Mares 4-7yo:
#425 Jamebria (Charmeur x Krack C) ster, keur 75/80
Bred by DG Bar Breeders Inc., owned by Amy Miller
#433 Jumara MVS (Charmeur x Flemmingh) keur
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
Dressage Geldings 4-7yo:
#422 Jett MVS (Bretton Woods x Flemmingh) ster 70/75
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
Jumper Mares 4-7yo:
#429 Jameson (Judgement x Alexis Z) ster, keur eligible 70/80
Bred by Dayna Gant of Apple Lane Farm, owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
Dressage Mares 8y & older ster:
#426 Bolimbria DG (Sandro Hit x Doruto) ster 70/75
Bred and owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
Gelder Mares 4-7yo:
#431 Janda (Parcival x Sirius) keur
Bred by G.H. Hofs (NL), owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
Dressage IBOP:
#425 Jamebria DG (Charmeur x Krack C) 79
Bred by DG Bar Breeders Inc., owned by Amy Miller
#433 Jumara MVS (Charmeur x Flemmingh) 75
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
# 422 Jett MVS (Bretton Woods x Flemmingh) 75
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
Gelders IBOP:
#431 Janda (Parcival x Sirius) 74
Bred by G.H. Hofs (NL), owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
DG Bar Cup 3yo:
#446 Koning DG (Bordeaux x Jazz) 85.5
Bred and owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
#437 Kiamenta DG (Bordeaux x Painted Black) 79
Bred and owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
#417 Kabuki (Charmeur x Sandro Hit) 77
Bred by Jenifer Watkins, owned by Linda Walz
#418 Kitalis MVS (Vitalis x Westpoint) 74
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
#435 Kayenne CWS (Negro x OO Seven) 71.5
Bred and owned by Craig Stanley
DG Bar Cup 4yo:
#438 Joule (Ampere x Radikal Z) 81.5
Bred and owned by Dantia Benson
#425 Jamebria DG (Charmeur x Krack C) 79
Bred by DG Bar Breeders Inc., owned by Amy Miller
#439 Jagger DG (Idocus x Flemmingh) 77
Bred by DG Bar Breeders Inc., owned by Amy Miller
#431 Janda (Parcival x Sirius) 76
Bred by G.H. Hofs (NL), owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
#422 Jett MVS (Bretton Woods x Flemmingh) 75.5
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
#433 Jumara MVS (Charmeur x Flemmingh) 75
Bred and owned by Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus of Mountain View Sport Horses
#429 Jameson (Judgement x Alexis) 70
Bred by Dayna Gant of Apple Lane Farm, owned by DG Bar Breeders Inc.
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 7, 2018
Parkland County, AB
Host: Ellicia Edgar
Valleyfield Farm www.valleyfieldfarm.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
Today’s keuring in Alberta was held for the first time at Valleyfield Farm. This well-equipped farm has good footing and was well organized.
nteresting was that several international competition jumper mares were presented for studbook entry. High score keuring was awarded to a 17-year-old Grand Prix 1.60m jumper mare Beausoleil (Rubens du Ri D’asse). Beausoleil is still very fit and has a good jumper type, is well proportioned with a well-muscled topline, an athletic body and a long, well-shaped croup and correct legs. Her canter is very balanced with good length of stride. With an 85 for conformation this mare earned her ster and keur eligible predicate easily. For keur she needs to fulfil additional requirements.
The 15-year-old Whisper (Indoctro) competed at the 1.40m level and showed as a six-year-old at the World Championships for Young Horses in Lanaken. This long-lined refined mare also has a good jumper type with a somewhat flat croup. Her canter is still supple with an active use of her hind leg. Whisper earned her keur predicate today.
Another 15 year old mare called Bini Balou (Balou du Rouet) was awarded keur eligible. Bini Balou showjumped at 1.35m level. This longlined well developed mare is very correct and has a well developed withers and good topline. Her canter is balanced with sufficient body use. If Bini Balou fulfils her requirements she will become keur.
The seven-year-old mare Ultra Daimonde VF (Diarado) earned her keur eligible predicate with her quick reflexes (scoring 85) and her carefulness. This eager mare likes to jump and shows a powerful canter and takeoff. She has a quick use of her front leg and especially on the higher oxers she used her body well and showed good scope.
The 5-year-old stallion Messenger passed his jumper IBOP and was awarded ster. This well-muscled stallion has a long-strided canter with good rhythm and sufficient body use. In jumping he could be quicker in the reflexes but has good scope and is brave. Messenger improves in his body use on the higher oxers and has good leg technique on the jumps. He is sometimes somewhat strong in the connection to the bridle.
In total of 13 jumper foals were presented, with the highest score awarded to the athletic son of Messenger called Navigator VF. This long-lined jumper colt has a good topline and a long croup. His trot is supple and light-footed but especially his canter is athletic, adjustable and shows good length of stride. It is very easy for Navigator VF to keep his balance and change direction. The long-lined and well-muscled colt Nitro MS (Nassau) earned second place. Nitro MS has good length in his body and high, long withers with a long sloping shoulder. He has a supple trot with good suspension and a well-balanced canter with good length of stride.
The high score dressage ribbon was awarded to Nakita (Franklin). This well-muscled filly has good technique in her gaits.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#447 Nakita (Franklin x Freestyle) 74/74
Bred and owned by Brenda Senko
Jumper Foals:
#457 Navigator VF (Messenger x Lagrain) 77/82
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#460 Nitro MS (Nassau x Lux) 76/77
Bred and owned by Marita Floryn
#454 Nirvana VF (Messenger x Balou du Rouet) 73/76
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#459 New York VF (Messenger x Indoctro) 73/73
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#455 North Star VDH (Balou du Rouet x Zirrocco Blue) 74/71
Bred and owned by Brian and Kathleen Vander Helm
#461 Nebraska VF (Chicago x Darco) 70/73
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#462 Nashville VF (Jethro x Diarado) 72/68
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#456 Nashville (Glasgow vh Merelsnest x Le Sauvage) 73/67
Bred and owned by Jody Wagner of W4 Enterprises Ltd
Jumper Mares 4-7yo:
#467 Ultra Diamonde VF (Diarado x Darco) 70/80
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
Jumper Stallion 5yo:
#475 Messenger VF (Monte Bellini x Darco) ster 70/75
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
Jumper Mares 8yo & Older:
#472 Beausoleil (Rubens du Ri d’asse x Romanow von pferdheim) ster keur eligible 85/sport jumping 1.60m
Owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#471 Whisper (Indoctro x Voltaire) keur 75/sport jumping 1.40m
Bred by J. Heins (NL), owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#470 Bini Balou (Balou du Rouet x Westminster) ster, keur eligible 75/sport jumping 1.35m.
Owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
#468 Yabba Dabba Dou (Cassini II x Grosso Z) stb 75 conformation
Owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
Jumper IBOP:
#475 Messenger VF (Monte Bellini x Darco) 75.5
Bred and owned by Ellicia Edgar of Valleyfield Farm
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 8, 2018
Mt. Albert, Ontario
Host: Roy and Michelle Maher
Prima Equestrian www.primaequestrian.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
The keuring in Ontario was held at the pretty facilities of Prima Equestrian.
High score keuring was awarded to the youngest jumper foal at the keuring, called Nacho Balou P (Balou du Rouet). This expressive colt has a really good jumper type, with an athletic build, body and very correct lean legs. In trot and canter this colt is very light-footed and adjustable with very good balance. With an overall score of 82 this foal leads the country so far in the jumping direction.
Second place was the long-lined daughter of Emerald, called Nyanza CS. This filly has a well–developed long withers with good length in her back and lean correct legs. This filly also has good body use in trot and canter. Her canter is balanced, light-footed with good reach and sufficient power.
Third in this class was the well-muscled colt Nonsuch P (Bubalu VDL). This well- developed foal has a really well positioned withers and shoulder and a good topline. His canter is powerful with sufficient length of stride and suppleness. Fourth place was awarded to Notorious P (Cornet Obolensky). This well-developed foal has a good jumper type and an active use of his hindleg with sufficient reach.
The youngest dressage foal also won the class. Nora Dessa (Franklin) has a good dressage type with a well-shaped vertical neck. She shows sufficient length and a long well-muscled croup. She is very impressive, especially in movement. Her trot has really good suspension and technique, is supple and uphill. Her canter is also powerful, balanced and athletic with good reach. Second place was for the colt Navajo P (Apache). This colt has an uphill build, is very refined and expressive with a really good dressage type. He has a good athletic body and a somewhat sloping croup. His trot is expressive and supple with good uphill tendency, his canter shows sufficient length of stride with good technique. The well-muscled colt Nobleman P (Johnson) was awarded third place especially with his powerful well balanced canter.
The 3 year old dressage mare Kalamata Dream (Desperado) is a well-developed , long-legged dressage type with a good topline. Her walk is supple and has good reach. Her trot shows good technique and is supple with sufficient power. Her canter is also light-footed and balanced. Kalamata Dream could show herself as more active but has a supple movement. She earned her ster and keur eligible predicate and was awarded with the high score mature dressage horse.
The four-year-old Gelders mare Jaya Dessa earned her ster and keur-elible predicate with her well-muscled longlined body and her vertical long neck. Jaya Dessa has a strong topline and correct legs. Her trot has a good leg technique and length of stride. Jaya Dessa got the high score ribbon for the high score Gelders horse.
The well-developed Jabablahoma P (Nabab de Reve) was presented today for higher predicate. Jabablahoma P had already passed her IBOP and had her ster. Her good and well-muscled jumper type got her upgraded today to elite.
First premiums were awarded to:
Foals jumper:
#485 Nacho Balou P (Balou de Rouet x No Limit) 84/80
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
#482 Nyanza CS (Emerald x Quality time) 78/77
Bred and owned by Linda Cottrell of Crailin Stables
#486 Nonsuch P (Bubalu VDL x Emilion) 80/73
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
#484 Notorious P (Cornet Obolensky x Ahorn) 77/74
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
#483 Navigator P (Glasgow vt Merelsnest x Chin Chin) 76/72
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
Foals dressage:
#477 Nora-Dessa (Franklin x Koss) 76/84
Bred and owned by Beverley Hilton of Hilton Hall Sporthorses
#479 Navajo P (Apache x Houston) 80/78
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
#480 Nobleman P (Johnson x Uphill) 75/75
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
Yearling dressage:
#488 Mira-Dessa (Franklin x Koss) 72/76
Bred and owned by Beverley Hilton of Hilton Hall Sporthorses
Two year old dressage:
#489 Lumenette P (Totilas x Houston) 70/70
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
Two year old jumper:
#490 Lava Blue P (Zirocco Blue x Ahorn) 70/70
Bred by Prima Equestrian, owned by Jim Hicks
3y old Dressage:
#492 Kalamata Dream (Desperado x Tango) ster keur eligible 75/75
Bred by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm, owned by Paula Fedeyko
4-7 year old Jumper mares:
#496 Jabablahoma P (Nabab de Reve x Guidam) elite
Bred and owned by Prima Equestrian
4-7 year old Gelders mares:
#495 Jaya-Dessa (Special D x Koss) ster, keur eligible 80/75
Bred and owned by Beverley Hilton of Hilton Hall Sporthorses
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 9, 2018
Dunvegan, ON
Host: Marie-Josee Proulx
Canadream Farm www.canadreamfarm.com
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
The third keuring in Canada was held at the convenient facility of Canadream Farm, where a large class of quality dressage foals was presented.
High point of the keuring was awarded to the well-proportioned colt Never Better Dream (Governor). This long-lined dressage foal has a good topline and a good dressage type and is well-muscled and refined. He shows good articulation and body use in both trot and canter. He is powerful in his athletic canter. Second place was earned by Nirobello Dream (De Niro). This well-developed colt shows very good leg technique and balance. His trot is expressive with good posture. Also his canter is balanced with good posture. Noir Dream (Everdale) was ranked third. This colt has an uphill build and good dressage type with a well-positioned vertical neck and a high and long wither with a good shoulder. Especially his canter has an active and powerful use of the hindleg and shows good balance and length of stride. The dressage filly Not Just a Dream (Glamourdale) was ranked fourth. This long-legged filly is well muscled with a well-developed forehand. Also her canter was well balanced and powerful with sufficient posture.
The four-year-old dressage mare Juweel of Litchy MFS (Bordeaux) is tall and long-legged with an uphill body direction. In trot she is supple and light-footed and has good technique and posture. Her canter has a good balance and body use. All of this made her be awarded with the highest score for adult dressage horses.
The high score ribbon for young jumpers was awarded to the only jumper foal with a high first premium. Norma Jean Bloom (Casall) has a good jumper type and is well proportioned. She has an athletic body and correct lean legs. Her canter is powerful and carrying with sufficient body use.
The long-lined three-year-old jumper mare Kachouiada Bloom (Quality Time) is correctly built and well-proportioned. Her supple canter is very well balanced and long-strided with good articulation. She likes to jump and does not need encouragement. She is consistent in her technique with good use of her foreleg and good body use. With a 75 for her conformation and 80 for her jumping Kachouida Bloom was awarded ster, keur eligible and was the highest scoring mature jumper horse. In the GES Cup she scored an 80.5.
But the highest score in the GES Cup was awarded to the very athletic Jalyssa Prestige (Clinton). This small mare has a long-strided active canter and a fantastic use of her foreleg. She has a quick and upward take off and seems to be very careful, scoring a 9 for her reflexes.
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#501 Never Better Dream (Governor x Spielberg) 81/81
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#502 Nirobello Dream (De Niro x Totilas) 77/80
Bred by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm, owned by Julie Count
#503 Noir Dream (Everdale x Jazz) 76/77
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#500 Not Just a Dream (Glamourdale x Vivaldi) 78/74
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#499 Narnia Dream (Hennessy x Special D) 73/76
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#504 Northern Dream (Hennessy x Uphill) 74/74
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#505 Never Ending Dream (Glock’s Toto Jr. x Tango) 70/77
Bred and owned by MJ Proulx of Canadream Farm
#497 Nathalia MTA (Totilas x Bordeaux) 68/72
Bred and owned by Danielle Landreville of 9001 5439 Inc.
Jumper Foals:
#506 Norma Jean Bloom (Casall x Nabab de Reve) 79/75
Bred and owned by Bloomington Farm
Jumper Mares 3yo:
#512 Kachouiada Bloom (Quality Time x Mr. Blue) 75/80
Bred by Bloomington Farm
Dressage Mares 4-7yo:
#510 Juweel of Litchy MFS (Bordeaux x Jazz) 75/80
Bred by C. Ironside (UK), owned by Danielle Landreville of 9001 5439 Inc.
GES Cup 3yo:
#512 Kachouiada Bloom (Quality Time x Mr Blue) 80.5
Bred by Bloomington Farm
GES Cup 4yo:
#513 Jalyssa Prestige (Clinton x Quite Easy) 83
Bred and owned by Robin Fournier of Ferme Prestige BLR Inc.
2018 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour – “Report from the Road”
September 10, 2018
Cardigan, PEI
Host: Martha & Ken Mellish
New Perth Farms www.newperthfarms.ca
Jury: Bart Henstra & Harrie Derks
The final keuring of the 2018 KWPN-NA tour was held at Prince Edward Island. It has been six years since a keuring was held there.
The high score of the keuring was awarded to the three-year-old jumper mare Katrina Rose NPF (Klinton). This sufficiently-developed mare has a great attitude for jumping and is very eager. She is quick and powerful in her somewhat forward takeoff. She seems to be careful and has quick reflexes. She has a sufficient body use with a good opening of her haunches. With 80 for jumping and 80 in the GES Cup this mare was awarded ster and keur eligible.
The six-year-old dressage mare Hanosa NPF (Johnson) was presented in the dressage IBOP and the DG Bar Cup. Hanosa NPF has a good posture in trot and canter. Her light-footed trot shows good technique with sufficient reach. Especially her canter is powerful, well-balanced and has a lot of articulation and engagement (8.5 for her canter). Her walk is clear but should be longer strided and more supple. With a passing score of 75, Hanosa NPF was awarded ster. In the DG Bar Cup, Hanosa showed her powerful canter again, but she could be more confirmed in her connection and exercises (earning a 74.5).
First premiums were awarded to:
Dressage Foals:
#515 Nureyev NSN (Florencio x Ferro) 78/74
Bred and owned by Martha Haley of Never Say Never Farm
#514 Nikolaas NPF (Dauphin x Florestan I) 74/74
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
Jumper Yearlings:
#519 Marquis de Rezzo (Arezzo VDL x Numero Uno) 75/75
Bred by Euro Equestrian Sales, owned by Alex Jamael
#518 Megaera (Goodtimes x Metall) 74/73
Bred and owned by Inga Hansen
#517 Mazarma NPF (Canabis Z x Hamlet) 74/68
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
Dressage Mares 4-7yo:
#524 Hanosa NPF (Johnson x Tango) ster 70/75
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
Jumper Mares 3yo:
#526 Katrina Rose NPF (Klinton x Idocus) ster, keur eligible 70/80
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
Dressage IBOP:
#524 Hanosa NPF (Johnson x Tango) 75
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
DG Bar Cup for 5-6yo:
#524 Hanosa NPF (Johnson x Tango) 74.5
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms
GES Cup 3yo:
#526 Katrina Rose NPF (Klinton x Idocus) 80
Bred and owned by Martha and Ken Mellish of New Perth Farms