16 Oct Bart Henstra, Bart Bax and Wim Versteeg join stallion selection committees
Posted at 08:51h
in KWPN Stallion Inspection, KWPN-NA and KWPN, News, Stallions, Translated articles - general
October 16, 2023
Bart Henstra, Bart Bax and Wim Versteeg join stallion selection committees
Bart Henstra, Bart Bax and Wim Versteeg join stallion selection committees
In the Members’ Council meeting on Wednesday, October 11th, the members agreed with the appointed professionals that will fill the vacancies in the stallion inspection committees. Bart Henstra, Wim Versteeg and Bart Bax are new faces in the stallion inspection committees. Wout-Jan van der Schans, who has been part of the jumping stallion inspection committee since 2014, will stay on for a fourth term but now as chairman. He already filled the maximum of three terms, but this decision was made to ensure continuity: the third committee member, Eric van der Vleuten, has only be a committee member since the end of 2021.
Bart Henstra joins the jumping stallion inspection committee. Henstra started as a KWPN jury member 20 years ago and became inspector of Friesland in 2007. From 2007 to 2021 he was a freelance inspector at the KWPN. Henstra was also chairman of the jumping re-inspection committee. He has been head judge of the American branch of the KWPN (KWPN-NA) for many years, where he was even honored as Member of the Year last year as a thank you for his years of effort. With his partner Pytrick Adema he runs a sports stable and breeding farm in Drogeham.
Inspector Bart Bax takes on the role of chairman in the dressage stallion inspection committee. He takes over from Bert Rutten, who will end his duties after the upcoming autumn performance test. Bax runs a dressage stable in Ede and competed in the international Grand Prix with Krawall (by Focus). Bart is active as a jury member up to and including national Heavy Tour level and has been trained as Trainer/Coach 5 at the KNHS. Bax has been active as a KWPN inspector since 2017.
Wim Versteeg has been appointed chairman of the Harness horse stallion inspection committee. Versteeg worked as a senior inspector at the KWPN since 2004 and mainly focused on sales promotion, he was coordinator of the EPTM and inspector Gelders horse. In 2022, the regional inspectorship of the Friesland and Groningen regions was added. As far as the harness horses are concerned, Versteeg was ‘internal supervisor of Harness Horse’ from 2019 onwards. He took active retirement last summer but is still active as a freelance KWPN jury member and for the upcoming stallion selection he will be added to the task of chairman of the stallion selection committee Harness horses, which also includes Bauke de Boer and Thomas van der Weiden. Versteeg succeeds Lammert Tel, whose last term ends this year.
Source: KWPN/ horses.nl