2020 Members Committee Nominations

May 21, 2020

2020 Members Committee Nominations


Get Involved with the KWPN-NA      

 Requesting “Letter of Interest” for Members’ Committee positions


Are you a leader? Do you enjoy working in a committee to help an organization grow and develop? Are you full of great ideas? If the answer is a resounding “Yes!” to any of these questions, then please consider becoming a candidate for the KWPN-NA Members’ Committee. This is a volunteer committee that represents the Members of the KWPN-NA. Candidates must be full or lifetime members, and ideally individuals that are willing and able to play active roles in serving the membership.

Some of the current activities that the MC Committee is engaged in are:

  • Avenues for marketing of the KWPN-NA brand including e-marketing!
  • Assisting in acquiring new and interesting sponsorship programs
  • Assisting in activities related to the AGM (location, education, etc.)
  • Developing and promoting educational opportunities for our members based on current topics and needs identified by the membership
  • Ongoing membership communication

MC members are voted on the committee by the membership and we currently have 3 positions that are coming to term, and will be accepting letters of interest and nominations from the membership to fill these positions.

Membership Committee Meetings are held monthly via teleconference call and members are assigned tasks to be completed by the next meeting. There are a number of active committees which also include MC participation on a regular basis. We are the voice of the membership and work closely with the Board of Directors.

Our KWPN -NA Members’ Committee is comprised of five members. There is one from Canada and four from the United States. Terms of service are for four years, without a limit as to the number of terms served.  Currently we are looking to fill 3 positions, one from Canada and 2 from the US. Nominations for Members’ Committee positions shall be submitted to the central office by June 22nd, 2020 as the nomination ballot will be issued to the membership on September 1st, 2020

Current members, and duties can be found HERE.

If you are interested in volunteering on the Members Committee, please feel free to contact one of the current members or send an e-mail to and we will be happy to reach out to you to discuss the position in greater detail!


If you wish to submit a letter of interest, please download, complete and return the FORM to the KY Office or e-mail to .