16 Dec Bingotti
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Affiliate Stallion
Registered Name | Bingotti |
Registration # | 039697210 |
Birthdate | April 6, 2010 |
Color and Markings | Chestnut |
Height | 17hh |
Breeding Direction |
DP (Dressage) |
Breeding Fee | $750 per dose / $1400 1 Season |
Specific Terms, Fees, and Conditions | Contact Hilltop Farm for contract and shipping information. |
Semen Available | Shipped, Fresh, Frozen |
EVA Test | Negative |
WFFS | N/N (non-carrier) |
Breeder | K. Swalwell |
Profile Updated: 2025
An excellent cooled semen option for breeders seeking size, substance, and trainability with an interesting blend of FEI lines from both German and Dutch breeding. At his Hanoverian licensing, Bingotti earned multiple scores of 8 and a highlight score of 9 for saddle position. Bingotti earned his lifetime approval with the AHS through his performance record. Bingotti has finished Reserve Champion at USDF Regionals for Second Level twice, was Regional Champion at Fourth Level, and has earned top ribbons at Regionals for Prix St. Georges and Intermediate. Bingotti has twice finished in the top ten at the US Dressage Finals. With his impressive stature and correct conformation, Bingotti was also the Stallion Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of Dressage at Devon.
Bingotti’s sire Bugatti earned a score of 140 points in the dressage portion of his 100-day test, receiving scores of 9 on character, rideability, temperament, and all three gaits. He competed at the Bundescampionat, FEI World Championships for Young Horses, and CDI competitions at Prix St. Georges and Intermediaire. His offspring are well regarded for their characters and rideability. Bingotti’s dam Wolkenfee is by the Grand Prix stallion Krack C who had an exceptionally successful career at Grand Prix under Anky Van Grunsven, including a top ten finish at the World Equestrian Games, and went on to sire numerous licensed stallions and FEI competitors.
Kathleen Swalwell
Hilltop Farm, Inc. 1089 Nesbitt Rd. Colora, MD 21917 410-658-9898 phone 410-658-9228 fax www.hilltopfarminc.com https://www.hilltopfarminc.com/stallion/bingotti/
same as Standing At
KWPN Breeding Designation
Affiliate Stallion, Approved Hanoverian and Rhineland
In general, foals by Bingotti are eligible for Register A papers.