18 Sep Report from the Road: DG Bar Ranch (CA)- Sept 8 & 9, 2023
September 18, 2023
Report from the Road: DG Bar Ranch (CA)- Sept 8 & 9, 2023
Report from the Road – DG Bar Ranch (California)
Hanford, CA USA
Host: Willy Arts
KWPN Jury members: Bart Henstra & Stan Creemers
Editors: Tracy Geller-Stearns
The next two days we spent at the well equipped DG Bar Ranch, for a well organized and very large keuring. The riding classes were well represented, and the horses met the high set expectations. We enjoyed the whole performance, and felt welcome at DG Bar! Congratulations to the participants, Really high scores were given !
Thank You to Tamara Torti for generously providing beautiful photographs for this report! You may view and purchase other images via her website: Tamarawiththecamera.com
Riding Classes- IBOP, DG Bar & GES Cup classes:
Thank you to our cup class sponsors, DG Bar Breeders and Global Equine Sires!
IBOP – Dressage
ODESSA DG ster keur elig (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Alona-DG ster by Ferro pref, BREEDER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC. OWNER: JUDITH NISHI) Odessa DG is very rideable and focused; she is light on the aids of the rider. The walk is correct with good body use. She has a light footed, uphill trot with an expressive front leg and a well balanced canter. She is easy to collect and shows good use of the body.
NEW ADVENTURE DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC (Don Schufro x Wenke by Blue Hors Zack, BREEDER: OAK HILL RANCH, OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) New Adventure is very rideable and workable. He shows a good combination of relaxed and engaged. With a supple, correct and long strided walk, good technique in trot, and a very easy, well balanced canter with expression.
NOVABRIA DG ster keur elig (Idocus crown x Jamebria DG keur IBOP (dr) by Charmeur, BREEDER.: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC., OWNER.: SHANNYN FLANAGAN) Novabria shows good mechanics and articulation in both trot and canter. She has smooth transitions, and a well balanced canter.
NEWS MAN MVS (Desperado x Indy Obertje by Apache pref, BREEDER/OWNER: JACKIE AHL-ECKHAUS) News Man has a steady and light connection with a good response to the light aids and is focused on his rider. The Trot is correct with balance. The canter is well balanced, easy to collect and workable with good posture. He is correctly built, elegant, and well muscled with a friendly expression, also earning his ster predicate today in the studbook class.
ORLANDO DG (Gaudi x Veralinda keur by Numero Uno pref, BREEDER: BETH SPUHLER, OWNER: MADISON TODD) Orlando has a long strided trot with sufficient power. His walk is also longstrided and active. The canter is well balanced and easy to collect with sufficient reach. He also has a good connection to bridle.
NAVARONE (Glamourdale x Galaxy by Olivi keur, BREEDER: A. FIKKERT-BOTTER, Vriezenveen, NL OWNER: SARA BARTHOLOMEW, DVM) Navarone seems easy to ride with a constant and solid performance. He is light footed and has a well balanced canter.
IBOP – Gelders
PHARAOH DG PROK D-OC (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Janda keur IBOP by Parcival keur, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) An impressive performance from Pharaoh DG. He is very focused and balanced, with a clear, long strided and active walk, an uphill trot with good reach and powerful use of the hindleg. He also has a very well balanced canter; it is easy to collect and extend already for a three year old. He has an uphill, very well shaped and used neck, and very good use of body. We also see that he is sufficient and willing when jumping under the saddle.
PZAZZ (L Primo DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Zambria DG ster by Rousseau pref, BREEDER/OWNER: RACHEL WADE) Pzazz has a long strided ,active and supple walk. A light footed and uphill trot with good use of body, and a well strided canter with good technique and has a good workability.
PARADIGM (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Cambria by Coridanus, BREEDER: RACHEL WADE, OWNER.: TRACY STEIN-UHL) A gelding with an expressive front, with a very good walk, good tact and good reach in the front leg. He also shows good technique in his powerful trot, and has a powerful canter with good articulation.
PACHECO (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x We Be Special by Contester, BREEDER: TENA FARR, SALINAS, OWNER: JENNIFER L LITTLE) Pacheco has powerful gaits; they are long strided and uphill. He could be more focused on the rider and be more steady in the connection
DGB Cup for 5/6-Year-Olds:
MAEBRIA DG elite IBOP (dr) PROK (Totilas x Famebria DG elite IBOP (dr) by Idocus crown, BREEDERS: DG BAR RANCH & NATALIE BRYANT, OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) Maebria DG is unbelievably talented! She is workable, focused, relaxed and engaged; she has a lot of resemblance to the movement and rideability of her sire, Totilas. She has an unbelievable use of the front leg. She is very light footed, balanced and well ridden with an open, light connection and so much body use. She has three very expressive gaits, and can trot in many ways. There is a lot to like in this mare. She is very well presented, and shows a very good, expressive shoulder in.
MAKANABRIA DG ster keur elig IBOP (dr) D-OC ( Rock Forever x Gamebria DG elite sport (dr) IBOP (dr) by Belissimo M, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) Makanabria DG is also a very talented elegant and modern dressage horse. She is light footed with three very good gaits, a lot of ability for collection and always uphill in her tendency. She has an expressive front leg and a powerful hindleg.
NOAH DG (For Romance x Jalina DG elite by Idocus crown, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) Noah is light footed and shows a good working trot with an expressive front leg and supple body use during the whole performance.
DGB Cup for 7/8-Year-Olds:
KIAMENTA DG elite IBOP (dr) D-OC (Bordeaux keur x Biementa CL elite by Painted Black keur, BREEDER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC., OWNER: JUDITH NISHI) She shows good use of the neck, with 3 correct and supple gaits. She is very rideable and showed good extended trot and canter. The changes could be more confirmed but she showed expressive use of front leg.
Studbook Classes:
Thank you to our Keuring Championship Award Sponsor, Iron Spring Farm!
Stb/Ster 3 Year Old – Dressage:
Congratulations to all these young horses that earned their ster predicates today!
PACHECO (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x We Be Special by Contester, BREEDER: TENA FARR, SALINAS, OWNER: JENNIFER L LITTLE) High score keuring Adult Dressage. A well developed, good dressage type with a well shaped neck, long shoulder and high, long withers. He has a very powerful , uphill trot with very good technique and expression, also a very adjustable, powerful and well carried canter.
PARADIGM (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Cambria by Coridanus, BREEDER: RACHEL WADE, OWNER.: TRACY STEIN-UHL) A good dressage type; an uphill build with good, athletic body, supple walk with good shoulder freedom as well as an active, powerful trot and canter.
PZAZZ (L Primo DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Zambria DG ster by Rousseau pref, BREEDER/OWNER: RACHEL WADE) This gelding is tall, correctly built and long legged. He has a supple, active and long strided walk , a light footed trot and a long strided, powerful canter.
PRIMO’S SIENNA GEN ECE (L Primo DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Geneva COF ster by Jazz pref, BREEDER/OWNER: ELLEN COROB) A modern and elegant type, she is long lined and long legged with a good topline. Her walk could be longer strided, however the trot and canter had good technique.
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Year – Gelders:
NANDA DG (Henkie x Janda keur IBOP (gp) by Parcival keur, BREEDER: G.H. HOFS, NL, OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) Nanda DG is a good gelders type, with a long, well muscled neck, good shoulder and topline. She has an expressive, powerful trot with good knee in the use of the front leg, and powerful bending in her hind leg. Congratulations for this ster, keur eligible mare!
Stb/Ster 8 and older – Jumper:
GINI C sport (sp) PROK (Eldorado vd Zeshoek x Sandy keur prest sport (sp) by Burggraaf pref, BREEDER: PAARDEN HOUDERIJ J. CORSTEN B.V., Mariahout, NL, OWNER: ELIZABETH EVANS) A sufficiently developed, correct mare. She could be somewhat longer lined, but has an active and powerful trot and canter. She has earned her sport predicate, and today she becomes ster, congratulations!
PHARAOH DG PROK D-OC (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Janda keur IBOP by Parcival keur, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) High score Gelders horse. A very expressive, very well proportioned Gelders type. He is well muscled, longlined, with a very long, well shaped and positioned neck. Also very well developed withers and shoulder, a good back and well muscled loins, a long, well shaped croup and correct, lean legs.
Young Horse Classes:
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage:
TIANA (New Adventure DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Darcy CL keur by Jazz pref, BREEDER/OWNER: BETH SPUHLER) Champion Dressage foal, high score young Dressage. She is well muscled with sufficient length, a good body with correct legs. Shows very good mechanics and power in her trot and canter. Shows power, uphill and a good technique and use of the front leg. She is always showing her gaits, with power and carrying ability.
TOPBRIA DG (L Primo DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Famebria DG elite IBOP (dr) by Idocus crown, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) Reserve Champion Dressage foal. She is a modern, long lined dressage type. She has an expressive long neck and well developed forehand, withers and shoulder, athletic body and correct legs. In movement we see a long strided, active walk, good technique in trot with expressive use of the front leg, and a well balanced, active canter with good reach.
TANGO RTH (Negro pref x Fiderdonna RTH by Fidertanz, BREEDER/ OWNER: Alanna Sellers) A well muscled, correctly built colt with long withers and a strong, well muscled topline and correct stance of legs. He has a powerful canter; it is very well balanced and with good technique and power in trot.
TRITON DG (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Julea KS ster keur elig D-OC by Charmeur, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) A good dressage type with a long well shaped and muscled neck and a good topline and correct lean legs. He has a clear, correct walk, a long strided trot with sufficient power, and a well balanced canter with good reach.
TRADEMARK (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Mystique SGS by Gaspard de la Nuit DG aang, BREEDER/OWNER: JUSTIN CAMARA) This colt has a good body with long withers, a long and sufficiently muscled neck, a good back and loin,with a long croup. He has good leg technique in movement and good body use.
TOLANDA DG (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Nanda DG by Henkie, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) A filly that shows an expressive use of the front leg.
TAJÍN CWS (Gaudi x Caliente DG elite sport (dr) by OO Seven keur, BREEDER/OWNER: CRAIG STANLEY) This is a young foal, yet he has an expressive type and is refined. Shows a well balanced and light footed canter and correct trot.
TRIBBIANI (Lordswood Bernstein SL x Aliana by Sir Sinclair keur D-OC, BREEDER/OWNER: KAREN ERICKSON) This colt shows long strided movement with good reach.
TENA DG (New Adventure DG ster IBOP (DR) PROK D-OC x Opalina DG D-OC by Koning DG ster IBOP (dp) D-OC, BREEDER/OWNER.: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) A filly that is correctly built with a nice front and light footed movement.
Foals/Weanlings – Gelders:
TITAN SGS (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) D-OC x Janda keur IBOP by Parcival keur, BREEDER/OWNER: STEPHANIE SCHAUER) A good gelders type; well developed and classic with powerful movement with good technique and knee action, three good gaits.
Yearlings – Jumper:
SMALL TOWN USA (Diarado x N-Millionairess by Cornet Obolensky, BREEDER/OWNER: GENTRY HILL FARM) High score young Jumper; A colt that is well muscled with a good topline and correct legs. He has a light footed canter, with good body use.
Two Year Olds – Dressage:
ROCKEFELLER HF (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Valeska DG elite pref sport (dR) by Krack C, BREEDER: INGRID HAMAR, OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) This colt is well developed, powerful and well muscled. He has a correct and active walk, good use of the front leg in trot and a well balanced canter.
RAEBRIA DG (Koning DG ster IBOP (dr) PROK D-OC x Gamebria DG elite sport (dr) IBOP (dr) by Belissimo M, BREEDER/OWNER: DG BAR BREEDERS, INC.) A filly that is well developed and longlined, with a long, well muscled neck and well muscled topline. She has a long strided trot and a canter with good reach and posture and sufficient power.
RICARDO MMW (Gaudi x Icara L ster PROK by Don Olymbrio, BREEDER: MERIJANE MCTALLEY, OWNER: ROBERT RABIE) This colt is longlined and a modern elegant type with good length in neck. He is light footed and active in movement.
First Premiums:
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage | conformation / movement |
TIANA (New Adventure x Jazz ) | 80/85 |
TOPBRIA DG (L Primo DG x Idocus) | 84/80 |
TANGO RTH (Negro x Fidertanz) | 80/78 |
TRITON DG (Koning DG x Charmeur) | 80/77 |
TRADEMARK (Koning DG x Gaspard de la Nuit) | 78/78 |
TOLANDA DG (Koning DG x Henkie) | 75/81 |
TAJÍN CWS (Gaudi x OO Seven) | 80/75 |
TRIBBIANI (Lordswood Bernstein SL x Sir Sinclair) | 75/77 |
TENA DG (New Adventure DG x Koning DG ) | 76/74 |
TETON RTH (Bordeaux x Furstenball) | 73/75 |
TAMBRIA HF (Pharaoh DG x Krack C) | 72/75 |
TRUST IN ME RTH (Kjento x Universeel) | 74/74 |
TA-DA CCE (Jayson x UB 40) | 76/70 |
TOO HOT TO HANDLE CCE (Vaderland x Jazz) | 76/70 |
TANGO DG (Pharaoh DG x Vitalis) | 73/71 |
TRINITY CCE (Lordswood Bernstein SL x Freestyle) | 69/71 |
Foals/Weanlings – Gelders | |
TITAN SGS (Koning DG x Parcival) | 77/83 |
Foals/Weanlings – Hunter | |
Yearlings – Jumper | |
SMALL TOWN USA (Diarado x Cornet Obolensky) | 76/75 |
SUPER GROOVY (Utopie x Baloubet du Rouet) | 72/76 |
Two Year Olds – Dressage | |
ROCKEFELLER HF (Koning DG x Krack C) | 80/80 |
RAEBRIA DG (Koning DG x Belissimo M) | 78/76 |
RICARDO MMW (Gaudi x Don Olymbrio) | 77/75 |
Stb/Ster 3 Year Old – Dressage | |
PACHECO (Koning DG x Contester) | 80/85 Ster |
PARADIGM (Koning DG x Coridanus) | 80/80 Ster |
PZAZZ (L Primo DG x Rousseau) | 70/80 Ster |
PRIMO’S SIENNA GEN ECE (L Primo DG x Jazz) | 75/75 Ster |
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Dressage | |
NEWS MAN MVS (Desperado x Apache) | 70/75 Ster |
NAVARONE (Glamourdale x Olivi) | 65/75 |
Stb/Ster 3 Year Old – Gelders | |
PHARAOH DG (Koning DG x Parcival) | 90/90 |
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Year – Gelders | |
NANDA DG (Henkie x Parcival) | 70/75 Ster, Keur Eligible |
Stb/Ster 8 and older – Jumper | |
GINI C (Eldorado vd Zeshoek x Burggraaf) | 70/Sport Ster |
IBOP – Dressage | |
ODESSA DG (Koning DG x Ferro) | 81.5 |
NEW ADVENTURE DG (Don Schufro x Blue Hors Zack) | 81.5 |
NOVABRIA DG (Idocus x Charmeur) | 77 |
NAVARONE (Glamourdale x Olivi) | 75 |
ORLANDO DG (Gaudi x Numero Uno) | 75 |
IBOP – Gelders | |
PHARAOH DG (Koning DG x Parcival) | 81.5 |
DGB Cup for 3-Year-Olds | |
PHARAOH DG (Koning DG x Parcival) | 88.5 |
PZAZZ (L Primo DG x Rousseau) | 81 |
PARADIGM (Koning DG x Coridanus) | 80.5 |
PACHECO (Koning DG x Contester) | 75.5 |
PRESTIGE DG (Totilas x Belissimo M) | 67 |
DGB Cup for 4-Year-Olds | |
ODESSA DG (Koning DG x Ferro) | 81.5 |
ORLANDO DG (Gaudi x Numero Uno) | 75 |
OSCAR HF (Callaho’s Benicio x Krack C) | 72.5 |
DGB Cup for 5/6-Year-Olds | |
MAEBRIA DG (Totilas x Idocus) | 89.5 |
MAKANABRIA DG (Rock Forever x Belissimo M) | 86 |
NEW ADVENTURE DG (Don Schufro x Blue Hors Zack) | 81.5 |
NOVABRIA DG (Idocus x Charmeur) | 77 |
NOAH DG (For Romance x Idocus) | 76 |
NEWS MAN MVS (Desperado x Apache) | 75.5 |
MALACHI DG (Furstenball x Contango) | 74 |
NAVARONE (Glamourdale x Olivi) | 73.5 |
NOTILAS MVS (Totilas x Westpoint) | 73 |
NASH DG (Dream Boy x Sandro Hit) | 70.5 |
MICARIA L (Franklin x Cachet L) | 64 |
DGB Cup for 7/8-Year-Olds | |
KIAMENTA DG (Bordeaux x Painted Black) | 79 |
**These remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in “The Report from the Road”; only those horses that really stand out to the jury.**