01 Sep Report from the Road: Valhalla Equestrian, Ontario, Canada
September 1, 2024
Report from the Road: Valhalla Equestrian, Ontario, Canada
Report from the Road – Valhalla Keuring in Ontario, Canada
Punslinch, Ontario Canada
Host: Kelsey Perry-Carlsen
Jury: Bart Henstra & Stan Creemers
Handler: Janko Van de Lageweg
Editor: Tracy Geller-Stearns
Our next stop in 2024 is at the lovely Valhalla Equestrian facility. Thank you to Kelsey Perry-Carlsen for graciously hosting!
Studbook Classes:
Thank you to our Keuring Championship Award Sponsor, Iron Spring Farm
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Dressage
PRIMAVERA D-OC ( For Ferrero x Lancelin elite, IBOP (dr), D-OC by Governor Breeder: LINDA Bijen – de Bie, Owner: Jelena Cvetkovic). This mare has an active, powerful walk. The trot shows good technique and is supple through the body with good posture. The canter is also active and supple with good balance and posture. Primavera is an elegant and refined mare with a correct type, and good expression. She improves upon herself in movement. She is our High score dressage mare today, also earning the Ster predicate, and is eligible to become Keur upon passing an IBOP or with sport results. Congratulations!
Stb/Ster 3 Years Old – Dressage
ROCHA-ROCHÉ (Gaudi x Shirlene by Stedinger, Breeder: DAWN SPENCER, Owner: BECKY BEATTIE)
A well developed, rectangular mare,with a good expressive front and good topline. She shows a long stride in the trot with good use of the front leg, yet she could be more carrying. Her walk could also be longer. She is active and powerful in canter with good posture. She earns the Ster predicate today, congratulations!
Owner Photo
Young Horse Classes:
Foals/Weanlings – Jumper
UMBRIA (Grand Slam VDL x Harlowe elite, IBOP (sp), D-OC by Van Gogh keur, Breeder/ Owner: Barbara Mitton) A well proportioned and well muscled jumper filly, with a good topline and expressive front. She has correct, lean legs. She has a light footed trot and an active , well balanced canter with sufficient length of stride. High score young jumper today, Congratulations!
ULYSSES VA (Diaron 2 x Candy Girl by Chap I, Breeder/Owner: Valhalla Equestrian) A colt with good expression, he could be stronger in topline, but has correct legs. He shows good balance in canter; he is adjustable and athletic.
UTRECHT VA (Harley VDL keur x Coletta 31 by Contagio, Breeder/Owner: Valhalla Equestrian) An expressive colt with sufficient length. He has well developed withers and a good back. He Is light footed, well balanced and supple in movement.
Owner Photo
UTOPIA HTC (Mobolensky CM v/d Wolfshoeve x Indorino C by Cabardino, Breeder/Owner: Suzanne McCartin) This filly is well muscled, somewhat downhill but with good length. Her canter is well balanced, with good articulation and power.
Photo by: Doswellcreative
Yearlings – Jumper
TYRION VA (Conthargos x Parette by Pessoa VDL, Breeder/Owner: Valhalla Equestrian)
A correctly built and well muscled colt , he has a well balanced, powerful canter with good reach.
First Premiums:
Foals/Weanlings – Jumper |
Conformation / Movement |
UMBRIA (Grand Slam VDL x Van Gogh) |
84/77 |
ULYSSES VA (Diaron 2 x Chap I) |
76/78 |
UTRECHT VA (Harley VDL x Contagio) |
75/77 |
UTOPIA HTC (Mobolensky CM v/d Wolfshoeve x Cabardino) |
76/75 |
ULRIK (Mobolensky CM v/d Wolfshoeve x Heartbeat ) |
76/75 |
UN DIA SL8 (Diacontinus x Numero Uno) |
72/70 |
Foals/Weanlings – Hunter |
ULEXITE SL8 (Viscerado x Corrido de Chatillon) |
73/73 |
Yearlings- Jumper |
TYRION VA (Conthargos x Pessoa VDL) |
74/76 |
TOBERMORY (Darco x Nabab de Reve) |
74/74 |
TYCOON BLUE VA (Chacoon Blue x Argentinus) |
75/68 |
Two Year Olds – Jumper |
SYDNEY VA (Chicago x Gracieux) |
68/72 |
Photo by: Doswellcreative
Ulexite SL8
Photo by: Doswellcreative
Un Dia SL8
Photo by: Doswellcreative
**These remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in “The Report from the Road”; only those horses that really stand out to the jury.**
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