Report from the Road: Hidden Hills Farm, Ocala, FL

September 11, 2024

Report from the Road: Hidden Hills Farm, Ocala, FL


Report from the Road – Hidden Hills Farm, Ocala, FL

Ocala, FL, USA
Host: Zach Scholl

Jury:  Bart Henstra & Stan Creemers
Handlers: Marcel Van Bruggen & Thijs de Schepper

Photographer: Lisa Madren


Our next stop takes us to the Ocala, FL area, where we were impressed by how much the region has developed.  We were welcomed to Hidden Hills Farm, a beautiful, well equipped facility that also hosted parts of the 2024 KWPN- NA Annual Meeting.  We got an early start to our day to beat the heat!

Photos © Lisa Madren

Riding Classes:   IBOP, DG Bar & Global Equine Sires Cup classes:
Thank you to our cup class sponsors, DG Bar Breeders and Global Equine Sires

Dressage IBOP & DG Bar Cup for 5/6-Year-Olds:

OSTENTATIOUS H2O (Harvest ster, IBOP (dr) x Raleska WF by Rascalino, BREEDER: KENDRA HANSIS, OWNERS: Wendy Sasser and Lehua Custer)  This horse was actively presented with good impulsion; he has a lot of go and a steady connection to the bridle.  He shows a long strided and clear walk.  He has a correct working trot with good reach, however in extended trot he could be more carrying and uphill.  He has a powerful, long strided and uphill canter, with an expressive front leg and good posture.   In consideration for the DG Bar Cup, we felt he could be somewhat more confirmed and steady in the shoulder in.  Congratulations on your passing IBOP score of 79.5.

OSTENTATIOUS H2O  Photo © Lisa Madren

Studbook Classes:
Thank you to our Keuring Championship Award Sponsor, Iron Spring Farm

Young Horse Classes

Foals/Weanlings – Dressage:

UPSCALE ASHWOOD (Don Quichot x Pascala BWF by Gaudi, BREEDER/OWNER: Tina Waters) An elegant, longlined, expressive colt with an athletic body.  He has very good use of the neck in movement, he is supple and light footed with easy transitions and good body use in the walk trot and canter. His canter also shows easy changes. High Score Young Dressage horse, Congrats!

UPSCALE ASHWOOD  Photo © Lisa Madren

ULTIMATE GLAMOORE HD (Glamourdale x Ibistrona Elite, IBOP (dr) by Don Tango B, BREEDER/OWNER:  Heidi Dressage LLC).  A colt with good posture and powerful in movement.  He is a well muscled and  correctly built foal.

ULTIMATE GLAMOORE HD   Photo © Lisa Madren


First Premiums:

Foals/Weanlings – Dressage

UPSCALE ASHWOOD (Don Quichot x Gaudi)


ULTIMATE GLAMOORE HD (Glamourdale x  Don Tango B)


Foals/Weanling – Jumper

UPROAR FD (Don Quichot x City Place xx)


UNCENSORED S (Contendro I x  Ulysses M2S)


UNDENIABLE KG (Kannan x Ulandro)


Yearlings – Jumper

TANGO EH (Diamant’s Legacy x Navarone)


TIME FOR PLEASURE KG (For Pleasure x Ulandro)


IBOP – Dressage

OSTENTATIOUS H2O (Harvest x Rascalino)


DG Bar Cup for 3-Year-Olds

ROCKET GIRL (Grand Galaxy Win x De Niro)


DG Bar Cup for 5/6-Year-Olds

OSTENTATIOUS H2O (Harvest x Rascalino)



**These remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in “The Report from the Road”; only those horses that really stand out to the jury.**

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