19 Jun Members’ Committee looking for Candidates!
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June 19, 2013
Members’ Committee looking for Candidates!
Are you a leader? Do you enjoy working in a committee to help an organization grow and develop? Are you full of great ideas? If the answer is a resounding “Yes!” to any of these questions, then please consider becoming a candidate for the KWPN-NA Members’ Committee. The KWPN-NA needs good candidates to join the Members’ Committee as the Members’ Committee is a vital and influential group for this organization.
The Members’ Committee is looking to fill vacancies on the committee. This is a volunteer committee that represents the Members of the KWPN-NA. The members are voted by the membership. We are looking for a few individuals who have time to serve on this committee. Meetings are held monthly via teleconference call. Members are assigned tasks to be completed by the next meeting. We are the voice of the membership, and work closely with the Board of Directors. Our achievements to date are the e-mail newsletter, Members’ Committee Facebook Page, and Twitter. We are also responsible for the Silent Auction at the Annual Meeting. We are currently working on an idea for a Regional Meeting with a live webcast to the Membership, ideas for future webinars, and the 2014 Silent Auction.
The Letter of Interest is due July 1, 2013. Questions can be sent to [email protected] or faxed to 541-459-2967.
A description of the Members’ Committee Roles and Responsibilities may be found on the web site.
The KWPN-NA wants your Help and Input!
[ MCLetterofInterest10.2013.doc ]