11 Dec Five Star wins the CDI3* at the Adequan Global Dressage Fesitval in Wellington November 15, 2020
December 11, 2020
Five Star wins the CDI3* at the Adequan Global Dressage Fesitval in Wellington November 15, 2020
Judge Sanders: “Five Star was the best horse”
WELLINGTON, FL – According to FEI-judge Mariette Sanders, the 10-year-old Five Star was the best horse at the Global Dressage Fall Festival I CDI3* in Wellington, FL, the weekend of November 14th – 15th, 2020 . Although it was the first ever CDI for Five Star, the KWPN-approved stallion (Amazing Star x Jazz) and his rider Kevin Kohmann won all three Small Tour tests with top scores. “With these performances Five Star would also belong to the best Small Tour horses in Europe,” Sanders said. “To me he was the highlight of the week.”
Three fantastic gaits
Before Five Star was imported from Europe in the summer of 2019, the stallion had done very well as a 5- and a 6-year-old at the World Championships for Young dressage horses in Europe. As a 5-year-old he finished in the top 5, and as a 6-year-old he won the Silver Medal.
After the chestnut was imported, Kevin Kohmann got the ride on the impressive stallion. Since the pair started showing, they have done nothing else than win and impress the judges.
In July of this year, FEI judge Ann Cizadlo rewarded Five Star and Kohmann with two 10s in an official test. “In dressage, we look for quality gaits, and I was able to give him a 10 on his extended walk as well as his extended canter,” commented Cizadlo back then.
Mariette Sanders was also impressed with Five Star’s quality walk. “Five Star has a beautiful appearance, and three fantastic gaits. Especially the walk is very good,” said Sanders.
Available for breeding
With the 10s from Cizadlo, two Regional Championship titles, and now three wins at his first CDI, Five Star has already proven to be a very exciting horse for the future of U.S. dressage. Not only as a competitor himself, but also as a sire in the breeding department. Five Star’s owners have decided to make him available for breeding in the U.S. and overseas in the new year. Kathy Hickerson of Majestic Gaits will manage Five Star’s breeding career.
“I am so excited and honored to be selected to manage Five Star’s breedings for America,” said Hickerson. “We have very few KWPN stallions of his caliber in this country. Especially with such a super blend of the top bloodlines of Holland and his international success. Usually, top KWPN stallions are imported after Europe has had them for breeding for a long time, and we only have frozen until then. That limits some mares and breeders. But now, thanks to Equitas, we have the fresh cooled option, and Europe will have to do the frozen. We have grown a super mare base in America and Five Star will help to continue to improve our offspring produced here. I’m looking forward to breeding my first one in 2021,” concludes Hickerson.
Website and Social Media
To serve the breeders well, and to be able to keep Five Star’s information up to date, Equitas has developed a website, Facebookpage and Instagram account for Five Star. www.fivestarstallion.com, Facebook: Five Star Stallion, Instagram: fivestarstallion
Photo at CDI3* in Wellington: Susan J.Stickle
Photo in hand: Miranda van Kol