16 Dec Salvino
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Affiliate Stallion
Registered Name | Salvino |
KWPN Foal Name | Sandronnerhall |
Registration # | DE 431310414907 |
Birthdate | April 30, 2007 |
Color and Markings | Dark Bay |
Height | 17.1hh |
Breeding Direction |
DP (Dressage) |
Breeding Fee | $1500 per dose / $2800 1 season |
Specific Terms, Fees, and Conditions | Contact Hilltop Farm for contract and shipping information. |
Semen Available | Shipped, Fresh, Frozen |
EVA Test | Negative |
WFFS | N/WFFS (carrier of the WFFS gene) |
Breeder | Joachim Essink |
Profile Updated: 2025
It’s rare we see such an accomplished stallion available to North American breeders via cooled semen. Salvino’s His unmatched performance record includes representing the US at the World Cup Finals, finishing 6th individually at the 2022 World Equestrian Games in both the Grand Prix and the Freestyle, and earning a Team Silver Medal at the Tokyo Olympics. Upon his retirement from sport, we now have access to this top stallion and will welcome the first foals in 2025.
His sire Sandro Hit is one of the most influential sires of dressage breeding with over 200 S-Level competitors, 190 approved sons, and 300 premium mares. Sandro Hit maintained a top ten position on the WBFSH Dressage Sire Rankings for the last ten years – with no less than ten Olympic competitors to his record. Damsire Donnerhall is another exceptional producer for dressage with over 100 Grand Prix competitors and 120 licensed sons to his credit. The combination of Sandro Hit and Donnerhall has proven to be an exceptionally successful breeding nick.
Betsy Juliano LLC
Hilltop Farm, Inc. 1089 Nesbitt Rd. Colora, MD 21917 410-658-9898 phone 410-658-9228 fax www.hilltopfarminc.com https://www.hilltopfarminc.com/stallion/salvino/
same as Standing At
KWPN Breeding Designation
Affiliate Stallion. Approved GOV, Hanoverian, Rhineland.
In general, foals by Salvino are eligible for Register A papers.