2024 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour Programs

August 23, 2024

2024 KWPN-NA Keuring Tour Programs


Keuring Tour Programs 2024

Curious to see which horses are participating in the KWPN-NA Keuring Tour this year? Our office crew put all the programs per keuring together in one file so you can take a look. The locations, pedigrees, breeders and owners of all the participating horses are in the programs.

There is a program of Circuit one and a program of the Harness Keurings. When the entries close of Circuit 2, we’ll add that program too. Click on the buttons below to open the PDF version.

Keuring Program Circuit 1

Click on the icon to open the program.

Keuring Program Harness Keurings

Click on the icon to open the program.

Keuring Program Circuit 2

Program uploaded after August 26