29 Mar AGM 2024: looking back on a successful event!
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March 29, 2024
AGM 2024: looking back on a successful event!
Two weeks ago, the Annual General Meeting 2024 took place in Ocala. We look back on a very successful event!
On Thursday afternoon, our Chair Wim Cazemier opened the meeting, followed by updates from the office, financials and our Committees. Farrier Neo Ruiz gave an interesting presentations on horse shoeing and corrections on foals and young horses. Paul Hendrix followed with a presentation on his successful International jumper horse family business of many decades. We closed the meeting day with an open discussion with the Stallion Owners Committee on how to select the right stallion for your mare. The audience was very engaged and participated actively in the discussions all day.
On Friday morning, we started with a presentation by experienced veterinarian and Merck affiliate Philip van Harreveld, on equine illnesses like the flu, vaccinations and microchips. He was followed by Chester Weber, who told us all about his life as a combined driver, his Dutch Harness horses and Live Oak International. Marketing & Social media experts Johnny Robb & Alexandra Stark then gave an interesting presentation, followed by KWPN officials Floor Dröge, Viggon van Beest and Ralph van Venrooij. All the topics were very well presented and the audience seemed very interested and asked lots of questions. This made us run a bit late for the carpool to Hidden Hills Farm for the afternoon program, but that was solved by eating our lunch boxes in the car.
At Hidden Hills Farm, the members watched under saddle presentations of IBOPs. The IBOP stands for (translated) ‘Individual Ability Test Horse’ is an ability/ suitability test for the breeding direction/ sport the horse was bred to do. So we offer IBOPs in all breeding direction, which we invited riders for this afternoon. We started with a Jumping IBOP by Bethany Hutchins- Kristen and her young gelding Maccan (Lord Sandro x Mister Blue). Followed by a Hunter IBOP with Jake Parker Wymard & Heartbreaker FF (Vinca x Burggraaf) and then a Dressage IBOP with Rebecca Lord & Phlower (Hennessy x Wynton) and Lauren Akers & Phiana (Sir Sinclair x Jazz). Willy Arts, Ralph van Venrooij and Floor Dröge, led the IBOPS and explained how it works and helped the riders get the best possible rides as they would in an official IBOP.
After these young horses showed their skills, the members watched two older dressage horses ride an IBOP: Gwyneth McPherson & Milona DG (Bellissimo M x Idocus) and Alexandra Duncan & McKenzy JHL (Alexandro P. x WV Saron). Bethany Hutchins- Kristen then returned with her licensed stallion Geluk HVF (Jazz x Contango for a XC training presentation which the audience loved a lot. KWPN inspector Viggon van Beest then finished the afternoon by leading a Harness IBOP driven by Wim Cazemier & Jaleet SSF (Atleet x Plain’s Liberator), together with Floor Dröge.
The group returned to the hotel to freshen up, after which the Awards Banquet started. The Awards won over 2023 were announced, click HERE to see who won all the honorable titles this year.
On Saturday, the majority of the group went to Live Oak International to watch Chester Weber and other drivers ride the marathon obstacles in the combined driving competition, the KWPN-NA Fine Harness Trophy in the afternoon and then the Jumping competition. It was a very exciting day, which everyone really seemed to enjoy! The people that visited Live Oak on Sunday as well, were in for another treat: celebrity guest drivers drove the Fine Harness Trophy again: Chester Weber, Jacob Arnold, Raymond Helmuth… stay tuned for a more extensive report on the Live Oak International Trophies.
We recorded almost all the presentations both at the hotel and at Hidden Hills and took a lot of footage at Live Oak International. Take a look on our YouTube Channel for the AGM playlist with all the videos.
We will almost certainly have a Virtual AGM next year! Sign up for the newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.