McKenzy JHL

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McKenzy JHL

KWPN Approved

2024 Stallion Service Auction

Registered Name McKenzy JHL
Registration # 528003 201705286
Birthdate May 29, 2017
Color and Markings Bay
Height 172cm
Breeding Direction
GP (Gelders)
Breeding Fee $1000
Specific Terms, Fees, and Conditions Contact stallion agent for details
Semen Available Fresh, Frozen, Shipped
EVA Test Negative
WFFS N/N (non-carrier)
Breeder L. Roerdink

Profile Updated: 2024

KWPN Breeding Designation


Approved 2021

“McKenzy JHL is an honest, reliable stallion with a good to very good attitude and a lot of desire to go. The stallion shows great willingness to work and is very trainable. The walk is active, good in scope and in relaxation it has good elasticity. The trot is active, has a good impression and good scope, whereby the hind leg is placed well under the body and broadly sufficient in carriage. The canter is active, powerful, uphill, greatly carried and spacious. In movement, McKenzy JHL shows a lot of posture and good balance.
McKenzy JHL is honest in jumping, again showing a good attitude and abundant willingness to work and has a sufficient to more than sufficient technique, appearing to be careful. The stallion seems to have good talent for jumping.
Also, in the terrain, McKenzy JHL is eager to go and has a good mentality, he is alert but well-behaved in new situations.
McKenzy JHL gives his rider both in the indoor arena and on the outdoor site a reliable and good feeling.

McKenzy JHL can add height and size and improve the mentality and movement technique within the Gelder population.”

Sports Results

No Results.

KWPN Stallion test scores:
Walk 8.00
Trot 8.00
Canter 9.00
Posture 9.00
Talent as a dressage Horse 8.50
Technique 7.50
Caution 8.00
Attitude 8.50
Suitability for jumping 8.00
Walk in-harness 7.50
Trot in-harness 9.00
Canter in-harness 9.00
Posture in-harness 8.50
Willingness/effort/desire to go 9.00
Maneuverability 8.50
In-harness test 8.50

No Results.

Offspring Sports Results

No Results.

No Results.

No Results.