Sponsoring & advertising opportunities 2024

December 7, 2023

Sponsoring & advertising opportunities 2024


Sponsoring & advertising opportunities 2024

The KWPN-NA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place in Ocala, Florida next year. The AGM is a great opportunity to advertise your business or services. It will bring an extra boost in visibility, especially since we will also video and livestream the whole event. Many KWPN-NA members and non-members alike attend the AGM which offers educational presentations, introductions to new products and services, lots of networking opportunities and more.

We’ve put together five sponsorship packages for 2024, including advertising at the AGM. Sponsoring our organization means getting a lot of advertising in return, targeting over 1000 members and many more horse enthusiasts. We have a large following through our newsletters, website and social media. We get thousands of hits per week on all our channels from educated, active, motivated horse owners and breeders from North America and beyond. Did you know our e-newsletter opening and click rate is always over 80%?

Visit this page to learn more about our new Sponsor packages:

We also offer AGM only advertising:

Are you more interested in other types of advertising or would you like to discuss a custom sponsoring agreement? Take a look on our sponsoring & advertising page or contact us: or call: +1(859)225-5331.