18 Sep Report from the Road: Godby Farm (OR) – Sept 7, 2023
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September 18, 2023
Report from the Road: Godby Farm (OR) – Sept 7, 2023
Report from the Road – Godby Farms (Oregon)
Sisters, OR USA
Host: Kanoe Godby
Jury: Bart Henstra & Stan Creemers
Handlers: Janko Van de Lageweg
Official Photographer: Mary Cornelius
Editor: Tracy Geller-Stearns
Our next stop takes us to Godby Farms, also in Oregon. The farm boasts very pretty scenery and we were treated to friendly hospitality from our host, Kanoe Godby.
Photo © Craig Rullman
Studbook Classes:
Thank you to our Keuring Championship Award Sponsor, Iron Spring Farm
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Gelders
NIZZA (Vitens x Imatra by W V Saron, BREEDER: A.K. METZ, Lappila, NL, OWNER: MEGAN & ANDREW OWEN) Nizza is a well muscled, classic gelders type with strong topline and long flat croup. Her movement is powerful with sufficient length of stride and good action in front leg. Congratulations on your new ster, Keur eligible mare!
Nizza, Photo © Mary Cornelius
OLIVIA (Holland ster IBOP (tp) PROK x Endless Entertainer by Whiskei aang, BREEDER: ENOS E.R. SCHWARTZ, OWNER : MEGAN OWEN) Olivia is a sufficient gelders type, with somewhat of a harness horse expression. She has a vertically placed neck and high withers,yet could be stronger in the back. The walk is correct with sufficient length of stride, the trot is powerful with good posture and the canter is active with sufficient use of the body. Congratulations on your new ster mare!
Olivia, Photo © Mary Cornelius
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Dressage
O SILVITA FF (Franklin x Be Silvta VDL-SVS ster IBOP by Sandro Hit, BREEDER/OWNER: GINGER MACK) This is a very well developed, tall mare, with a long, well shaped neck, long withers and a sloping croup with sufficient length. Her walk is pure with sufficient use of body, the trot is powerful and uphill with good leg technique. The canter is also powerful and well balanced. Congratulations on your new ster, Keur eligible mare!
Young Horse Classes:
Foals/Weanlings – Gelders
TOTALLY GLAMOROUS G (Glamourdale x Adessa keur pref by Koss pref, BREEDER/OWNERS: KANOE DURDAN GODBY & DYRK GODBY) A colt that is a well muscled gelders type, with a heavy neck, long withers and good length in body. The trot is correct, with posture and the canter was powerful with good technique and articulation.
Totally Glamorous G, Photo © Mary Cornelius
TETON G (Holland ster IBOP (tp) PROK x Freedom ster keur elig by Zion-JC aang, BREEDER/OWNER: KANOE DURDAN GODBY) Teton G is sufficient in gelders type; moreover, you can see the influence of the harness blood. He has a vertical neck and somewhat flat croupe, powerful movement with good knee technique in the front leg and good use of hind leg.
Teton G, Photo © Mary Cornelius
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage
TOULOUSE LAUTREC (Vitalos x Gelita O ster IBOP (dr) PROK by Rousseau pref, BREEDER/OWNER: KATHLEEN LANDON) A colt that is well developed, long legged with a good topline and correct legs. He shows an expressive front, with good length of stride in the walk. The trot has good technique in the legs, with good reach and sufficient power. The canter is very well balanced, longstrided and powerful.
TOM PETTY FF (D’Avie x O Silvita FF by Franklin, BREEDER/OWNER: GINGER MACK) A well developed and long lined colt, he has a good, long shoulder with a well muscled back and loin and a somewhat sloping croup. He shows expressive use of the neck in movement, with good technique and sufficient use of the body.
Tom Petty FF © Mary Cornelius
Keuring High Score: TOULOUSE LAUTREC (Vitalos x Gelita O ster IBOP (dr) PROK by Rousseau pref, BREEDER/OWNER: KATHLEEN LANDON)
First Premiums:
Foals/Weanlings – Gelders |
Conformation/ Movement |
TOTALLY GLAMOROUS G (Glamourdale x Koss) |
75/77 |
TETON G (Holland x Zion-JC) |
73/78 |
TINA TURNER G (Gaudi x Uromast) |
73/71 |
TASTRA G (Ibiza x IJsselmeer Ikepono) |
72/70 |
Foals/ Weanlings – Dressage |
TOULOUSE LAUTREC (Vitalos x Rousseau) |
80/81 |
TOM PETTY FF (D’Avie x Franklin) |
77/73 |
TARANTINE (McLaren x Flemmingh) |
74/74 |
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Gelders |
NIZZA (Vitens x W V Saron) |
75/75 Ster, Keur Eligible |
OLIVIA (Holland x Whiskei) |
70/75 Ster |
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Dressage |
O SILVITA FF (Franklin x Sandro Hit) |
70/75, Ster, Keur Eligible |
**These remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in “The Report from the Road”; only those horses that really stand out to the jury.**
Tina Turner G, Photo © Mary Cornelius