04 Sep Report from the Road: Shooting Star Farm (NH) – August 28, 2023
September 4, 2023
Report from the Road: Shooting Star Farm (NH) – August 28, 2023
Report from the Road – Shooting Star Farm, Spofford NH
Spofford, NH, USA
Host: Carol & Scot Tolman
Jury: Floor Dröge & Arie Hamoen
Editor: Tracy Geller-Stearns
We had a well organized keuring at the wonderful new farm of Scot and Carol Tolman. The accommodations really gave the horses a good chance to present themselves and the spectators had a nice and safe place to watch all the horses . We want to thank them, and all the people involved a bit extra, as our travel was delayed and the hosts had everything postponed and ready upon our arrival.
Riding Classes- IBOP, DG Bar & GES Cup classes:
Thank you to our cup class sponsors, DG Bar Breeders and Global Equine Sires!
Congratulations to KESTREL DREAM (Electron x Expressionisme M elite IBOP (dr) D-OC by Vivaldi pref, Breeder: MARIE JOSEE PROULX, Owner: MARGARET BAILEY, DURHAM) on becoming Ster and earning a passing score for the Dressage IBOP today.
Kestrel Dream
Studbook Classes:
Thank you to our Keuring Championship Award Sponsor, Iron Spring Farm!
Stb/Ster 3 Year Old – Dressage
PAEONIA SSF (Vivino x Hyacintia elite IBOP (dr) PROK pref by Charmeur, Breeder/Owner: CARROLL & CAROL TOLMAN) is a long lined and elegant mare with an athletic body and good proportions. She could have had a bit more quality in the front leg for even more points. She trots with a good technique and a lot of posture. The walk and canter are powerful with good ground coverage. Congratulations on earning the Ster and Keur Eligible predicates today.
Stb/Ster 8 and older – Dressage
JIVE V. Sport (DR) (Florencio keur x Zeppa by Krack C, Breeder: J.W.M. VERKUYLEN Owner: JULIE KULIOPULOS) Jive is a longlined mare with strong connections in the body and a nice appearance. She has a sport predicate from her career at Fourth level, and today becomes a Keur mare, Congratulations!
Congratulations to NOVA DIEM SSF (Don Tango B x Carpe Diem SS ster by Farrington keur, Breeder: CARROLL & CAROL TOLMAN, Owner: SUSIE KENT) on earning the Ster predicate today.
Nova Diem SSF
Young Horse Classes:
Foals/Weanlings – Jumping
TOUCHDOWN MG (Grand Slam VDL x Eeyanette RGS ster keur elig by Veron, Breeder/Owner.: KATHLEEN HICKERSON) A foal that is elegant and really good in the jumper type. He has a longlined an athletic body with good proportions and connections. He has three good gaits with a lot of balance and power.
Touchdown MG
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage
TIARITES SSF (Escaneno x D’Orites SSF keur by Donatelli, Breeder/Owner: CARROLL & CAROL TOLMAN) She is a well developed foal with a lot of expression in the type. Shows good proportions and connections in the body. Moves with a lot of technique, balance and posture.
TOTALITY (Gaudi x Ferra sport (dr) by Rousseau pref, Breeder/Owner: RYAN HOPKINS)
A really nice dressage type, but still a bit narrow in the chest. She has a really good walk, with good groundcover and use of the body. Her trot is Lightfooted and canters with a good balance.
TENACITES SSF (So Perfect x Galearites SSF keur IBOP (dr) by Totilas, Breeder/Owner: CARROLL & CAROL TOLMAN) This is a well developed, long legged foal with a good dressage model. She has a good use of the front leg in the movement, the hindleg is bending, but could come under the body a bit more.
Keuring High Score: TOUCHDOWN MG (Grand Slam VDL x Eeyanette RGS ster keur elig by Veron, Breeder/Owner.: KATHLEEN HICKERSON)
First Premiums: Conformation / Movement
Foals/Weanlings – Jumper
TOUCHDOWN MG (Grand Slam VDL x Veron) 86/90
THIALF SSF (Diacontinus x Lyjanero) 76/74
THEIARITTA CF (Kallmar VDL x Crespo DL) 75/73
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage
TIARITES SSF (Escaneno x Donatelli) 84/82
TOTALITY (Gaudi x Rousseau) 78/82
TENACITES SSF (So Perfect x Totilas) 82/78
TREND SETTER SSF (Gaudi x Sir Sinclair) 76/78
THEO SSF (Morricone x Freestyle) 80/72
TIATANA CF (Vitalis x Rubin Royal) 72/78
TIA MARIA (Cum Laude x Judgement-ISF) 76/72
THALIA (Sempatico M x Gaudi) 73/75
Foals/Weanlings – Gelders
TOULA ROSA SSF (Floris BS x Diamond Hit) 74/74
2 YO’s – Jumper
RICHTENDOR MSK (Nuit d’Emerald HMS x Immer H) 72/69
Stb/Ster 3 Year Old – Dressage
PAEONIA SSF (Vivino x Charmeur) 75/85 Ster, Keur Eligible
Stb/Ster 4-to-7 Years – Dressage
NOVA DIEM SSF (Don Tango B x Farrington) 70/75 Ster
Stb/Ster 8 and older – Dressage
JIVE V. (Florencio x Krack C) 75/ Sport (DR) Ster, Keur
KESTREL DREAM (Electron x Vivaldi) 70/75 Ster
**These remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in “The Report from the Road”; only those horses that really stand out to the jury.**
Another Future KWPN-NA Breeder!