04 Oct Report From the Road – Mane on Fire Farm (TX), September 27, 2022
October 4, 2022
Report From the Road – Mane on Fire Farm (TX), September 27, 2022
Report From the Road – Mane on Fire Farm (TX)
Date: 9/27/2022
Campbell, TX
Host: Morgan Kennedy
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
Next stop, TEXAS! We are in the home stretch for this keuring tour, and back for a second time at Mane on Fire ,hosted by Morgan Kennedy. Thank you so much for your hospitality. Congratulations to all of our participants for a successful day!
Please remember, that the jury’s remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse.
First & Second Premium awards are given to horses that exceed and/ or meet the KWPNs high breed standards, and we are grateful to the owners and breeders for showing them to us. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in ‘The Report from the Road ‘, only those horses that really stand out to the jury.
Jeanne Shepherd/ Genie Images Photo
Jumpers for Studbook/Ster 3 YO :
Olivia PH – (Toronto ster x Chantilly II TSH by Catch Cardo TSH)
Owner/ Breeder : Douwe Plantinga, Pleasant Hill Farm
A long lined elegant type; Olivia PH has a refined, good body and a somewhat sloping croup. Her well balanced canter is active. She has a very quick and powerful take off, good technique and is very athletic in her body use and scope. She is always opening well behind. She earns her ster, keur eligible predicate, is our high score of the keuring, high score for the Global Equine Sires cup and is leading in the country so far in this class. Congratulations!
Ocean PH – (Toronto ster x Wynanda TSH by Quite Easy 958)
Owner/ Breeder : Douwe Plantinga, Pleasant Hill Farm
Ocean is well muscled with sufficient length, she is a correct jumper type. She has an active canter, a quick take off, quick use of the front leg. However she could show a little more bascule, but she has good scope. Ster and keur eligible predicates for her today. Congrats!
Jeanne Shepherd/ Genie Images Photo
Harness Horses for Studbook/Ster 4-7 YO:
Majesteit PH – (Governor x Charisma keur pref IBOP by Vaandrager HBC)
Owner/ Breeder : Douwe Plantinga, Pleasant Hill Farm
Majesteit PH is long lined with a vertical neck, long legged,straight croup and a somewhat straight hindleg. She has good use of the hindleg; it is powerful with good articulation, lots of bending. She has a good front with sufficient knee action. Ster, keur eligible. Congrats!
Gelders Horses for Studbook/Ster 4-7 YO:
Max V BRB – (Edmundo x Fenna V by Koss pref)
Owner/ Breeder: Bailey West, Bailey Ranch Breeders
This stallion is a good gelders type. He could be somewhat longer lined but has a well muscled neck and a good topline. He has an active walk, the trot shows good expression and knee action with balance and power. His canter has good reach and sufficient balance. In jumping he is willing and forward with a quick take off, good technique in his legs, however he could show more bascule but has sufficient scope. Ster
Foals/Weanlings – Jumper:
Sic Vita Est KG – (Halifax van het Kluizebos x Hakuna Matata KG by Ulandro)
Owner/ Breeder: Kathryn Shearer
This is a young foal, but correctly built, well proportioned, well muscled and with a good topline. The trot has a good length of stride and is supple, the canter is well balanced, powerful and good reach. 1st Premium, High score young jumper.
Owner Photo
Foals/ Weanlings – Harness:
Selah PH – (Delviro HBC x Majesteit PH by Governor aang)
Owner/ Breeder : Douwe Plantinga, Pleasant Hill Farm
A well developed, good harness type filly with a vertical, long neck, good body and llong legged. Her trot shows good use of hind leg and is powerful, she has sufficient knee action and sufficient use of the body with a good front. 1st Premium, High score harness
List of First Premiums:
Foals/Weanlings – Jumper: |
Sic Vita Est KG (Halifax van het Kluizebos x Ulandro) |
75/80 |
Sarah PH (Toronto x Catch Cardo TSH) |
71/69 |
Foals/ Weanlings – Hunter: |
Sazerac MFF (Carambole x Bliss MF) |
67/74 |
Foals/ Weanlings – Harness: |
Selah PH (Delviro HBC x Governor) |
77/78 |
Yearlings – Jumper: |
Ragnarok MFF (Contendro I x Cambridge) |
69/73 |
Ruckus MFF (Canturo x Crowning Decision xx) |
71/40 |
STB/Ster 3 YO – Jumper: |
Oliva PH (Toronto x Catch Cardo TSH) |
75/85 Ster Keur Elig. |
Ocean PH (Toronto x Quite Easy 958) |
70/80 Ster Keur Elig. |
STB/Ster 4-7 YO – Harness: |
Majesteit PH (Governor x Vaandrager HBC) |
70/80 Ster Keur Elig. |
STB/Ster 4-7 YO – Gelders: |
Max V BRB (Edmundo x Koss) |
70/75 Ster |
IBOP – Gelders: |
Max V BRB (Edmundo x Koss) |
75 |
DG Bar Cup 3 YO: |
Melody (Florianus II x Taxateur) |
69.5 |
GES Cup 3 YO: |
Oliva PH (Toronto x Catch Cardo TSH) |
85 |
Ocean PH (Toronto x Quite Easy 958) |
79 |
Ooh La Luna (Lotus T x Contester) |
69.5 |
GES Cup 4 YO: |
Nyssa MFF (Dakota VDL x Indoctro) |
72 |
Notoriety MFF (Balou du Rouet x Credence TSH) |
70 |
Nefertiti MFF (Bliss MF x Voltaire) |
69.5 |
Nightingale MFF (Toronto x Cambridge) |
66.5 |
Nickolaus MFF (Toronto x Amour) |
65 |
Additional Photos:
Jeanne Shepherd / Genie Images Photo