25 Sep Report From the Road – Norwegian Hill Farm (WI), September 23, 2022
September 25, 2022
Report From the Road – Norwegian Hill Farm (WI), September 23, 2022
Report From the Road – Norwegian Hill Farm (WI)
Date: 9/23/2022
Oconomowoc, WI
Host: Deanna Greulich
Jury: Bart Henstra & Arie Hamoen
Next stop, Wisconsin! Do they have better cheese than in Holland? Certainly some quality horses were shown to us today at the beautiful Norwegian Hill Farm, of note was a very good class of dressage foals! Thank you to our host Deanna Greulich for welcoming us today. Congratulations to all of our participants for a successful day!
Please remember, that the jury’s remarks are for a snapshot in the lifetime of a horse.
First & Second Premium awards are given to horses that exceed and/ or meet the KWPNs high breed standards, and we are grateful to the owners and breeders for showing them to us. Not all first premium or ster horses are mentioned in ‘The Report from the Road ‘, only those horses that really stand out to the jury.

Judge Arie Hamoen, Host DeAnna Gruelich and judge Bart Henstra – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Dressage Mares for Studbook/Ster 4-7 YO:
Kosette D-OC – (Ampere x Ulette d Malouin ster by Metall)
Owner: Jennifer Zauel, Windmill Farms
Breeder: Eowyn Brewer
Kosette is correct and shows sufficient length, however she could be more muscled and has a sloping croup. Her walk is powerful, she has a very expressive, uphill trot with a lot of bending in her joints, and also the canter is powerful, with good reach and balance. She is our high score adult Dressage horse today, and also earns the ster predicate and is keur eligible.

Kosette D-OC – (Ampere x Ulette d Malouin ster by Metall) – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Dressage Mares for 3 YO:
Oh My Sjaronica – (Licosto x Belsjarona ster by Harmonie)
Owner/ Breeder : Dr. Lisa Lyn Cruz
A long lined mare with a nice front, and a correct stance of the legs. She is somewhat roached in the topline and the croup could be longer. Her walk is powerful with good length of stride, good articulation in trot with a sufficient uphill tendency. Her canter is powerful, but could be more carrying. Congratulations to this new ster, keur eligible mare.

Oh My Sjaronica – (Licosto x Belsjarona ster by Harmonie) – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Two Year Olds – Dressage:
Phyre RR – (Negro pref x Hypatia FFF by Cunningham)
Owner/Breeder: Laurie Gamble
This is a long lined, well developed and well muscled 2y old filly. She is supple in her use of the body, with a lot of shoulder freedom. Her trot and canter are very good; they are powerful and with a carrying hindleg. 1st Premium

Phyre RR – (Negro pref x Hypatia FFF by Cunningham) – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Yearlings – Dressage:
Robeson WF – (Secret x Joly Cara C ster keur elig PROK D-OC s. Dream Boy)
Owner: Megan Dischler
Breeder: Jennifer Zauel, Windmill Farms
A long legged, modern and elegant type colt. He is sufficiently muscled in the topline. In movement he is supple and light footed with very good reach and an expressive use of front leg. His hindleg is bending and could be more carrying. 1st Premium
Rubix – (Gaudi x Haute Couture by Negro pref)
Owner: Megan Dischler
Breeder: Eowyn Brewer
A correctly built young horse with a strong topline, however he could be more modern. He has very good use of the hindleg, a lot of go and expressive use of the front leg with good use of the neck. 1st Premium

Rubix – (Gaudi x Haute Couture by Negro pref) – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage:
Suzette WF – (Ibiza x Kosette D-OC by Ampere)
Owner/ Breeder: Jennifer Zauel, Windmill Farms
Suzette WF is well proportioned and a good dressage type. She is built uphill with a good topline. She has a clear and active walk, a supple and light footed trot, with very good suspension, articulation and uphill tendency. Her canter is also supple, light footed and well balanced. High Score Dressage foal and 1st Premium

Suzette WF – (Ibiza x Kosette D-OC by Ampere) – PC: Jessica Darby Photography
Sadieni WF – (Franklin x Dieni R D-OC by Uphill)
Owner/ Breeder: Jennifer Zauel, Windmill Farms
This filly is a long lined, long legged and very elegant type. She has a long neck, well developed withers and good topline with a somewhat long hind leg. Her trot showed good reach, very supple suspension, with good use of the front leg, and somewhat long in use hindleg, however she has good articulation. 1st Premium
Solar Flair RR – (Negro pref x Hypatia FFF by Cunningham)
Owner/Breeder: Laurie Gamble
A filly that is longlined, strongly build and well muscled; however, she could be more modern in type. Her walk is powerful with a supple trot and canter with good reach and carrying use of the hindleg. 1st Premium
Stellavia LTD – (Gaudi x Basho SCF ster by Jazz pref)
Owner/ Breeder: Sarah Permoda, LTD Sporthorses
A filly that is correctly build with sufficient length, a well muscled topline and lean legs. She shows a lot of articulation and a bending hindleg, with good reach however she could be somewhat more carrying. 1st Premium
List of First Premiums:
Foals/Weanlings – Dressage: |
Suzette WF (Ibiza x Ampere) |
79/83 |
Sadieni WF (Franklin x Uphill) |
79/77 |
Solar Flair RR (Negro x Cunningham) |
77/78 |
Stellavia LTD (Gaudi x Jazz) |
77/76 |
Silhouette NHF (Gaudi x Sir Sinclair) |
75/74 |
Seldonia NHF (Fynch Hatton x Dream Boy) |
74/73 |
Yearlings – Dressage: |
Robeson WF (Secret x Dream Boy) |
75/76 |
Rubix (Gaudi x Negro) |
74/78 |
2 Year Olds – Dressage: |
Phyre RR (Negro x Cunningham) |
76/82 |
Phillara NHF (Gaudi x Sir Sinclair) |
73/72 |
Phaedieni WF (Franklin x Uphill) |
72/73 |
STB/Ster Mares 3YO – Dressage: |
Oh My Sjaronica (Licosto x Harmonie) |
70/75 |
STB/Ster Mares 4-7 YO – Dressage: |
Kosette (Ampere x Metall) |
70/80 |
DG Bar Cup 4YO: |
Never Summer (Gaspard de la Nuit DG x Westpoint) |
69.5 |
DG Bar Cup 5&6 YO: |
Marvelous (Florianus II x Westpoint) | 67 |